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Legend of the Sunwarrior Video

We would like to announce today that we have released a new animated film that pulls language directly from the original legend written by Brent Hauver a year ago, cofounder of Sunwarrior.

“It’s amazing to see something go from an idea to words on a page and then to an animated film,” said Hauver. “Many of our customers are parents looking for healthier ways to nourish themselves and their families. This video, along with several more we have planned, will get entire families interested in nutrition. We’ll also be developing coloring books that include our Sunwarrior characters. It’s very exciting.”

Sunwarrior has several more animated videos planned that will appeal to children and adults while teaching about the nutritional power of plants.

About Sunwarrior

Sunwarrior was born on a warm Arizona evening in 2008 during the Sedona Raw Spirit Festival. Three different men with three different dreams met with one desire, to create a company and a vegan product that benefit mankind and the planet mankind occupies.

The three men combined their dreams, their savvy business personalities, and their environmental consciousness to create Sunwarrior, a company committed to making the best plant-based nutritional products while elevating humanity and preserving the planet.

Sunwarrior creates healthy, raw, plant-based protein powders, supergreens, and mineral supplements perfect for anyone and any lifestyle, not just vegetarians and vegans.

Excerpt from the Legend of the Sunwarrior

The Sunwarriors tried to restore balance, but the people of the world turned their backs on the Agápe path. Saddened, the Sunwarriors forsook the planet. The world soon forgot them and the way of Agápe. But, before they departed, the Sunwarriors left behind a promise to return when the planet neared the edge of destruction.

Their long awaited return is upon us. The ancient way of Agápe has been planted in the hearts of many and, if followed, will give rise to new Sunwarriors. The time of darkness, ignorance, and sickness will come to a close as the Sunwarriors gather, armed with light and renewed by their mission to destroy all darkness and disease.

Enter the New Age of the Sunwarrior.

To view the video click here. For more information about Sunwarrior and our products visit http://www.sunwarrior.com.


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