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Sticking with Seasonal Foods: Spring

Get with the times! The seasonal times, that is! Eating seasonal foods is cheaper, healthier, and better for the environment! Learn how to eat in spring!

Spring is a perfect time to take advantage of all of the vibrant fruit and vegetables coming into season during the spring. During this time of year, it’s a good time to focus on green leafy veggies as they look and taste the best!

Knowing when fruits and vegetables are in season is beneficial for many reasons such as being cheaper, fresher, and having more nutrients. Think about it: Foods that are in season won’t have to travel far and wide from countries around the world to get to you. They will be harvested closer to when they are at their peak instead of before. Furthermore, buying seasonal foods reduces our carbon footprint. They are better for the environment as they don’t have to be transported from another country.

Did you know that by eating seasonal foods you would most likely consume a wider variety of foods? If you change up what you eat according to what is in season, you won’t be eating the same fruits and vegetables day in and day out.

Try checking out your local farmers’ market to find fruits and vegetables that are in season in your area. If you prefer to shop at a grocery store, be aware of what is in season during that time before you go shopping.

Remember that what is in season will vary depending on what part of the world you live in. This is based on North America.

1. Spinach

This dark leafy green vegetable comes into season in mid-spring and is a source of vitamin A, vitamin C, folacin, iron, calcium, and fiber. Spinach can be added to almost anything including your morning smoothie, salads, or pastas. When buying spinach, look for dark green spinach that is firm.

2. Asparagus

Asparagus is in season for a short time in May and June. It is a source of vitamins C and A, and an excellent source of folacin. When shopping for asparagus, it does not matter about the size. Look for crisp spears with tight heads.

3. Herbs

In the spring, fresh herbs are in season and make a drastic difference in the flavor of your dish compared to dried herbs. Herbs are nutrient-dense meaning that they are low in calories and provide nutrients for the body. For the freshest herbs, grow them in your house yourself.

4. Apricots

Purchase these during their peak season from May to August. These sweet fruits provide beta-carotene, potassium, vitamin C, and fiber. Apricots can be used to make a trail mix, salsa, or added to your salad. When buying apricots, make sure that you are buying them fresh or bought without sulfites, which are usually added to dried apricots as a preservative.

5. Peas

Fresh peas are at their peak from April through July. Peas including sugar snap peas, snow peas, and green peas are great as they are high in fiber and are a good source of protein. Green peas are perfect to add to guacamole to increase the color and nutritional profile or use sugar snap peas or snow peas as a side dish.

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