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Individual Training vs Group Training; What is Best for YOU?

man using battle ropes|individual training vs group training|what is best for you

Ir seems like every day, the media introduces a new fitness trend, a new diet or a total body workout program that will make you lose weight and inches in just a days. These programs are sourced from various fitness professionals, companies, and the ordinary world of people who are trying to make a “difference” in the lives of others regarding one’s optimum health. We are bombarded daily with these “do and don’t” quick-fix trends among a plethora of other options available at our fingertips. It seems that ultimately these can make the resolution to begin a solid workout regimen seem much easier compared to the past.

But is it just that easy? Designing your own individualized plan is often difficult for many people. The question always stands, “Where do I start?” and “what do I do next?” When one tries to design a workout program for him or herself, without having professional knowledge, it is often difficult to understand what type of regimen will be most efficient, effective and safe.

There are two ways to approach professional guidance, individualized training and group training. How and why you choose the style that best fits your needs will not only be based on your goals, but also your personality.

There are many pros and cons to the two training styles so it is important to know the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Individual Training vs Group Training

Individualized training

“Flying solo” so to speak, gives you your own personal opportunity to stick to a program designed specifically for you, your goals, body type and personal needs. When training individually, the focus remains solely on YOU. The program can be designed in any way, shape or form. Whether that be to treat a long or short term injury, lose weight, get in tip-top shape or train for a specific event, or sport. Learning the basics to individualized training can be key to having a successful and useful lifelong fitness program.

Although training alone can be demotivating at times, it also has the perk of being able to focus on your specific weakness or the specific muscle groups needed to be strengthened without worrying about whether your goals match up with someone else’s. It also allows for ample time to focus on the movements and forms while we train. That way we are efficiently working towards an effective outcome, one- on- one, with the personal attention we need.

Another important aspect of individualized training worth mentioning is the time. When one is getting most of the reps and having their needs addressed from the first minute of training, it can take less time to get a proper workout in. Twenty minutes of a personalized workout that was pre-planned to fit your needs may be more effective than a one-size-fits-all zumba or spin class that only gets the butt blaster movements you wanted to work on for fifteen minutes of the hour class. So for people with time constraints, individualized sessions may be the best option.

Group Fitness Training

Many studies have shown that although there are advantages to both individual workouts and group fitness training, exercising in general releases endorphins to the body’s brain, and these endorphin levels are heightened dramatically in group settings.

Endorphins are chemicals produced by the body to relieve stress and pain. Basically, they’re the chemicals that make us happy.

These “positive vibes” produce feelings similar to feelings or emotions produced by opiates and as a result, this can make group fitness training addictive. It can be a pleasant, fulfilling experience that the body wants to repeat over and over again.

Group fitness training provides a variety of benefits that have a high potential to motivate and encourage us. Naturally, in a group setting, people feed off the energy of others and become inspired as the group is working towards a common goal.

It can be fun and challenging when the instructor allows for a varying workout, and with others around, there is a sense of moral support. When beginning a workout plan, many people will say, “use the buddy system.” This helps hold people accountable to each other and also keep each other motivated to keep working out. And when you keep up with the progress of the group, and push yourself to the finish, it allows for a sense of accomplishment and celebration with your group.

Types Of Fitness Groups:

  • Spin class
  • Pilates
  • Yoga
  • Crossfit
  • Aerobics
  • Dancing
  • Kickboxing

Clearly, there are various advantages to both; however, it is vital to pay attention to your personal motives and make a decision that’ll result in you reaping the most benefits of such training. Being motivated to reach your personal wellness goals is essential when choosing what type of training you will enjoy and stick to despite any obstacles you happen to encounter along the way. Take into consideration your personal circumstances, financial ability, personality and time. Programs can be combined and you may have more success than ever before.

So how do we know we have made the right choice for our personal lives and well being? Be sure to understand the different motivating factors of each type of training as you evaluate the two. No matter which of the two you choose (even if it’s a combination of both) it is important that you feel comfortable in your setting. Your fitness training plan should not only motivate you, but it should suit your personal needs, wants, goals and circumstances. Do not be afraid to explore new options and experiment. What you begin with may not always be what you end up choosing long-term or falling in love with. We are each unique individuals, and finding a program that may be different than our peers, but is suitable for your particular lifestyle can create wonders.

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