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Chocolate Chunk Coconut Cookies

Sometimes a home-made cookie filled with chocolate chunks is the only thing that you want. We’re here to make it a healthier choice with these chocolate chunk coconut cookies!

Let’s face it – sometimes we need (want) a cookie! A really big, yummy, chocolatey cookie! It’s beyond wanting one. We truly need it. Having an easy to make, whole-foods focused version means we can even have two without remorse. These cookies score on all health food checkpoints being a nutrient dense quality carb, protein-rich, high fiber, dairy/corn/soy/gluten free, low sugar, no added oil, absolutely fabulous tasting power cookie. Like many great recipes, doubling the batch is a great idea. You can keep half of the batter in the freezer for up to a month meaning another batch is just a bake away when the cookie jar is empty. And trust me, it just may empty sooner than you like.

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