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7 Tips for Healthy Grocery Shopping

The grocery store can be a daunting place to go when you're trying to shop healthy. Here are 7 tips to healthy grocery shopping!

Some people love grocery shopping, while others barely tolerate it. Regardless of your shopping preference, the grocery store can be a fat trap for many. Between the smart marketing and advertising that can pull you towards the baked cakes and processed foods, the grocery store has an abundance of health awaiting you. Just remember, you got this! Here are my top 7 tips for healthy shopping to help you get in and out of the store without collateral damage.

1. Do Not Shop While Hungry or Having a Craving

This is referred to as binge shopping. You are buying with your eyes. Cakes, chips, processed foods, and foods high in sugar all start looking good to you. You are looking at quick, easy fixes for your hunger and cravings instead of quality food.

(NOTE: Avoiding processed foods like cakes and chips is always a smart choice. Want to know what else to avoid? Find out more here.

2. Shop with a Grocery List

The time it takes you to menu plan for the week is well worth it. Planning and sticking to your list will keep you and your expenses on track. You are less inclined to impulse shop with your list in hand.

3. Shop the Store Perimeter First

If you are not used to this shopping trick, it may take you a couple of times to appreciate the impact of it. By shopping the perimeter of the grocery store first, you are first focusing on fresh fruits, vegetables, and sometimes grains. Although many stores now have cakes and baked treats along the perimeter, overall, your main shopping can be accomplished. Just stay focused and walk past what you do not need.

4. Focus

Mind over matter. Being able to pass by the items you do not need is half the battle. A healthy lifestyle is a choice that you made every day. Staying focused at the grocery store and remembering why you choose health can help get you in and out with minimal damage.

5. Choose Foods with Little Additives

When you do hit the aisles, this is where the majority of damage is done. Making smart choices while you are in the aisles will be key. Look at ingredients. You are looking for the minimal amount of additives, whole grains, and if you are picking up packaged drinks for the kids, remember to choose ones with 100% fruit juice when possible. Making the smartest choices will provide for better health

6. Don’t Shop During Prime Times

Shopping during prime times may leave you feeling rushed, or panicked. When feeling this way, you may start tossing things into your cart just to get out of there. Before you know it, you are frustrated and have an abundance of processed foods in your shopping cart.

7. Shop When You Are Happy

When you are feeling happy and content, you are more prone to buy with your health in mind. Having a positive outlook on yourself can remind you of your nutrition goals.

Making a healthy decision may seem like more financial cost, but when you commit to shopping with your health in mind, you are also eliminating cheaper one pot processed meals that have no real benefit to your health. For example, buying a package of processed cheese noodles for a side dish may feed a family of 4 one meal. Instead, try to purchase a box of whole grain pasta and season it with fresh ingredients. This meal is about the same cost and will last your family more than one meal for the same side dish. Eating healthier will help you avoid expensive medical bills.

Remember, fresh is best. Happy Shopping!

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