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10 Summer Juicing Recipes

different fruit and vegetable juices in glass mason jars|top ten summer juicing recipes

Do you have trouble eating the recommended six servings of fruit and vegetables a day? Then juicing might be the answer for you!

What Are The Best Summer Juicing Recipes?

Related: Living Juicy: How You Can Benefit From Juicing This Summer

Juicing is one of the best ways to get ultimate nutrition without overworking your mandible. Although juicing does get a bad wrap for not having enough fiber, that doesn’t hold a lot of merit. While it is true that juicing takes fiber out of the fruits and veggies you are juicing, there is still fiber that gets through. Have you ever tried to strain your juice in a small sieve when you are done juicing? If you haven’t, try it next time and you will see how much fiber is still left in that juice!

Health Benefits of Juicing

Juicing has so many health benefits! Studies have shown that juicing is easier on the digestive tract and nutrients get absorbed faster. Juicing can reduce your risk of cancer, boost your immune system, remove toxins from your body, aid digestion and help you lose weight. Juicing allows you to consume a lot more fruits and vegetables than would be possible by just eating them. Not only do you get a large infusion of vitamins and minerals, but you can also get a wider variety of nutrients just by changing out the ingredients of your juices.

That is why we have put together a few of our favorite juicing recipes to help you get a powerhouse of nutrition in just one glass!

Related: Get The The Juice on Juicing

infographic of the benefits of juicing

Here are 10 of The Best Juicing Recipes To Try This Summer

1. Tropical Green Juice

healthy green pineapple lime juice on gray table|top ten summer juicing recipes
  • 1 fresh Pineapple
  • 2 Oranges peeled
  • 2-3 c. fresh Spinach
  • 1 large Lime peeled

Put everything through your juicer and enjoy the tangy green taste of this tropical paradise juice. This is also a great recipe to add to a blender if you don’t have a juicer. It is delicious both juiced or blended.

This juice is very high in vitamin C which aids in many functions of the body like building your immune system, iron absorption and helping the body make collagen.

2. Beets and Berries Juice

healthy beet blueberry juice in a glass|top ten summer juicing recipes
  • 2 Beets with leaves
  • 2 cups fresh Blueberries
  • 2 c. fresh Spinach
  • 1 Lemon peeled
  • 1 Apple
  • ½ c. Coconut Water

Juice all ingredients. Stir in the coconut water after the juice is done,

Beets are a good source of calcium, iron, folic acid, manganese, potassium, and vitamins A, B6, and C. Berries are full of antioxidants that are great for skin, excellent for the heart and are loaded with vitamins and minerals.

Related: Beets: Why You Should Include Them in Your Diet

3. Power Greens Juice

multiple types of green leafy vegetables with a green juice and straw|power greens juice|juicing for summer
  • 3 c. Mixed Greens (kale, spinach, collard greens, beet greens, mustard greens, etc)
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Celery bunch
  • 2 Apples
  • 2 Lemons
  • 3” fresh Ginger

Any combination of greens will work here. A wider range of mixed greens allows your body to get different nutrients. And the apple, lemon and ginger help mask the bitterness of all of the greens.

Related: 5 Essential Health Benefits Of Eating Leafy And Green Vegetables4.

4. Perfect Skin Juice

apple orange carrot juice on wooden table|perfect skin juice|top juicing recipes for summer
  • 2 Apples
  • 2 Oranges
  • 3 Carrots
  • 1 Cucumber
  • 1 Lemon peeled
  • 3” fresh Ginger
  • 2” fresh Turmeric

This is also another great recipe that can be juiced or blended. Both ways are delicious, just make sure to peel the ginger and turmeric before putting them in the blender. It’s nice to have fiber, but that could be overkill! If you don’t have fresh ginger or turmeric, you can use dried. A teaspoon of ginger and a ½ teaspoon of turmeric (or more depending on your personal preference).

Related: Juicing for Beauty: Fruit and Vegetable Juices to Improve Skin Health

5. The Hulk

kale cilantro juice juice on table |the hulk juice|top 10 juicing recipes for summer
  • 2 cups spinach
  • 2 cups kale
  • 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, minced
  • 4 celery stalks
  • 2 tablespoons ginger, grated
  • 3 green apples, diced

Juicing herbs like cilantro, parsley or mint can add a pleasant taste to your juices and are also great for detoxing heavy metals in the body.

Related: 5 Juice Recipes for Immunity, Good Health, and Good Life

  • 4 cups pineapple, diced
  • 1 pink grapefruit, peeled and sliced up
  • ½ cup mint leaves
  • 1 lime, peeled but with pith
  • 1 inch ginger
  • ½ inch turmeric
  • 1 capful Vitamin Mineral Rush

Add all ingredients to the juicer. Pour juice into a glass, add a capful of Vitamin Mineral Rush, and enjoy this tangy vitamin-packed juice.

Related: Summer Juice Shots to Energize and Revitalize

7. Glorious Green Juice

glorious green juice|top 10 summer juicing recipes
  • 1 large bunch watercress
  • ½ medium bunch curly parsley
  • 2 cups sunflower sprouts
  • 1 large green apple, sliced
  • 3 medium Gala, Fuji, or Pink Lady apples, sliced
  • 5-inch piece ginger root, peeled
  • 1 capful Sunwarrior Immune Shield
  • 1 small lemon, peeled and quartered

Except for the Immune Shield, run all ingredients through a juicer, alternating ingredients as you put them in for maximum extraction. Add a capful of Immune Shieldto the juice and serve immediately. Using a slow juicer will help you extract more nutrients and juice from the greens and fruit. Also, if you find this juice too spicy, leave out the ginger, or reduce the amount of watercress.

8. Detox Juice

  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 stalk of celery
  • 2 kale leaves
  • 2 handfuls of spinach
  • 1 apple
  • 1-inch piece of ginger to taste (more if you like an extra kick)
  • ¼ of a lemon peeled

Take all ingredients, wash thoroughly, and put through a juicer. Pour into a glass. Enjoy immediately!

Happy Detoxing!

Related: Surprising Benefits Of Green Juice Fasting

9. Watermelon, Strawberry Mint Juice

watermelon lime mint juice in glass jars with straws|best juice recipes for summer
  • 3 c. Watermelon
  • 10 Strawberries
  • ½ peeled Lime
  • ½ -1 c. fresh Mint Leaves (depending on personal taste)

Another recipe that is good juiced or blended. If blending, freeze the watermelon for at least 4 hours to have a delicious slushy juice to help you hydrate on a hot summer day.

10. Tropical Tummy Juice

  • 2 cups fresh papaya
  • 2 cups fresh cantaloupe
  • 2-inch piece of fresh ginger
  • ½ c. mint leaves
  • 1/2 peeled Lime

Sometimes our digestive system can go into a funk – whether you’re having indigestion, gas or constipation, this is a great juice recipe to add to your repertoire.Thanks to the digestive enzyme papain in the papaya, the soluble fiber in cantaloupe and the tummy-soothing powers of ginger and mint.

Juicing a myriad of fruits and veggies can have an amazing effect on your health. Using these summer juicing recipes are an excellent way to detox, cleanse, and increase your energy; a perfect way to Rays Your Vibe.

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