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Finding Your Potential With Epigenetics, Neurogenetics and Nutrigenetics

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Have you ever wondered if you’re destined for more? Maybe you’ve wondered how much you can push yourself. What’s your potential? You can optimize what you’re capable of. Epigenetics, neurogenetics, and nutrigenetics all focus on genetics or gene expression. In the emerging field of epigenetics, you’re considered an extension of your environment. Epigenetics is opening the door to why you are uniquely you. It’s also shedding light on mental health and disease, putting your health back in your hands. By exploring epigenetics, neurogenetics, and nutrigenetics, you can appreciate how these three elements come together to unlock your full potential. The mind is powerful and taking a closer look at gene expression and environmental triggers could have eye-opening effects.

How to boost your potential:

  • Harness the power of the mind
  • Understand neurogenetics
  • The connection between epigenetics and nutrigenetics

Learning to Harness the Power of the Mind

To find out how these three fields of science could help you reach your potential, you need to understand how each one operates on an individual level.

Your mind is powerful. Thoughts have the ability to influence your behavior and impact your life. When it comes to human health, diseases like cancer, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease have all been linked to the same source.

The mind can also be used as a tool to change your health and positively influence it. This was first discovered when scientists started exploring epigenetics.

Related: What Is Epigenetics: Your Mind’s Influence Over Your Health

Epigenetics is the study of biological mechanisms that switch genes on and off. Epigenetics is everywhere, it’s what you eat, when you sleep, your experiences, and more. You are an extension of your environment. Every day your cells are learning and absorbing information. This information then helps to form your memorized-self. The problem with this is that if the information is incorrect then your view of yourself will be incorrect.

Absorbing the wrong information can lead to a negative mindset with self-destructive thoughts later in life. This can lead to things like:

  • Social anxiety
  • Sense of hopelessness
  • Depression

Your mind is powerful and can influence every part of your body down to a genetic level. But, that’s not to say that you’re stuck where you are. Epigenetics can play a major role in preventing and healing physical and mental conditions.

That’s why when you use epigenetics as a way to influence your genes positively you may find that social anxiety, a sense of hopelessness, depression, and other health factors lessen.

What is Neurogenetics?

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Neurology and genetics are studied together in an area of science called neurogenetics. It focuses on the development of the brain and nervous system as well as the role genes play in its development. Neurogenetics first emerged in the mid to late 1900s. A wide range of disorders and diseases have been linked to neurogenetics. These conditions can have a huge impact on the quality of life, behavior and even personality.

Neurogenetic disease is a broad term used to describe a collection of conditions. These conditions are primarily caused by a mutation or alteration in your DNA. Neurogenetic diseases include:

  • Fragile X syndrome
  • Huntington’s disease
  • Myotonic dystrophy
  • Rett syndrome

A promising area of treatment for neurogenetic diseases is gene therapy. Gene therapy involves the introduction of genetic material to your cells to replace malfunctioning or missing genes. This treatment area was previously only thought possible in the world of science fiction, however, gene therapy shows promising results in clinic-based research.

Gene therapy was first described in 1972. By replacing a faulty gene with a functioning one, in theory, it can provide the cells with the instructions they need to protect against certain diseases. While there has been a considerable amount of research into gene therapy for 45 years, for the most part, gene therapy is still being developed.

Researchers found promising results in the early stage of a clinical trial on Parkinson’s and gene therapy. The trial was a huge step forward in gene therapy. Although the study is considered successful, there is a need for long-term, larger and placebo-controlled studies to prove safety and effectiveness.

The Connection Between Epigenetics, Neurogenetics and Nutrigenetics

Looking at epigenetics and nutrigenetics, again both focus on genetics, but in a slightly different way. While epigenetics focuses on gene expression and epigenetic factors, nutrigenetics helps to bridge the gap between genetics and nutrition. Your genetics can significantly influence many parts of your life, including determining what types of foods you should eat.

Related: What is Nutrigenetics? A New Perspective on What You Eat & Drink

Basically, nutrigenetics investigates how your body reacts to certain nutrients based on your genetics. Nutrigenetics examines the relationship between your diet and genes on an individual level. It looks at how a person’s health is affected by what they eat because of their genes.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to diet. That’s why some people have success with a certain way of eating and others don’t. You wouldn’t say that everyone should wear the same size clothes, so why would nutrition be any different? People respond differently to specific diets, which is why personalized nutrition could work to support a person’s health. Personalized nutrition and strategies could help a person become healthier overall.

Related: How Nutrition Plays a Role In Epigenetics; The Science of Nutrigenetics

Through genetic testing, you can find out what foods you should and shouldn’t be eating. Your genotype is your unique genetic identity, the genes you inherit. With a clear picture of your genotype, health professionals like dietitians and nutritionists can help to create a completely individual dietary plan. Eating the right nutrients and avoiding particular foods could potentially reduce your risk of developing certain health conditions and support your overall well being.

There are epigenetic factors everywhere including what you eat and where you live. These can all result in gene modifications, switching certain genes on and off. When it comes to diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and cancer, specific genes can be switched between healthy and unhealthy states.

Nutrigenetics and epigenetics help to connect nutrition, genetics, and health. Whereas neurogenetics and epigenetics could help to illuminate problems in the brain and create better therapies. While all are focused on the broader subject of genetics, they intertwine very well.

Neurogenetics addresses gene-related changes related to the nervous system and brain. Epigenetics encompasses neurogenetics, looking at the larger forces at work that shape gene expression through environmental and developmental influences.

How to Unlock Your Potential

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The world of genetics and gene expression is big, but advancements continue to be made. In the 21st century, epigenetics research has accelerated quickly. With increased knowledge of epigenetics, genetics, nutrition, and disease, you can begin to understand how living a certain way based around your genes, could be beneficial. And you may even realize how you can influence your genes for the better.

Just imagine the potential and opportunity this kind of information presents. It opens up a completely personalized approach to nutrition and health, allowing you to live life to the fullest. Your body may react to a certain nutrient on a genetic level which could influence your health.

For example, methylene-tetra-hydro folate reductase (MTHFR) is an enzyme required in a multistep process that turns the amino acid homocysteine to another amino acid, methionine. MTHFR is involved in the production of folic acid and maintaining normal levels of homocysteine in the blood.

A certain MTHFR gene is associated with high levels of homocysteine. High levels of the amino acid have been associated with things like heart disease, difficult pregnancies, and birth defects. Nutrient deficiencies of B6, folic acid and B12 have been linked to high levels of homocysteine.

There’s so much more you can do than what you might think is currently possible. Epigenetics and unlocking the power of the mind, alongside nutrigenetics, and neurogenetics allows you to strive for more.

It’s an exciting time for the field of genetics. With neurology, nutrition, and epigenetics becoming clearer and clearer, you’re not restricted by your genetics. Your genes are not your destiny and you do have the power to unlock your full potential. Your mind is your strongest tool and by arming yourself with the right knowledge, you can live a healthier, more balanced life.

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