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5 Steps to Glowing Skin

Get your glow on with these 5 steps to glowing, healthy, radiant skin! After all, you deserve to look your best!

Don’t we all want a perfect natural glowing skin to wake up to every day? Well, it is possible if you strive for it. Our skin is the largest organ of our body, and it is constantly exposed to harsh chemicals, toxins, and of course the wear and tear we cause to it. Protecting your skin and maintaining it doesn’t take more than 10 minutes in your everyday routine. Here are 5 steps to get a glowing skin.

Less Makeup

Applying makeup on a daily basis clogs your skin pores and prevents your skin from breathing freely. Try using less makeup, or even go several days with just an eyeliner and lip makeup to allow your skin some recovery time. The less you use, the more you allow your skin to be at its best.


After a nice, warm shower or even in the middle of a hot day, there is nothing better than spraying some cooling rosewater on your face. Rosewater has been used since ancient times for its various benefits: anti-inflammatory coolant, natural toner, and antibacterial. Spray 2–3 times on your face and tap it dry to tone your skin and close your pores.

Clay Mask

If you are prone to acne, open pores, and dry skin, then using a clay mask would do wonders for you. It helps to close pores, cleanse your skin of all toxins, tighten your skin, and leave you with a smooth and glowing face. There are many clays available in the market: bentonite, green clay, and rose clay. You can use a mixture of two or just try one to start with.


One of the most important things for having clear skin is to cleanse it twice a day. Cleansing removes all your excess makeup and accumulated dirt and helps rejuvenate our skin. Massage a dab of oil on your skin to remove all the excess makeup and follow it up with a natural cleansing lotion, and massage your face gently with it.

Facial Exercise

Your face has about forty-three muscles, just like every other muscle in your body, your facial muscles need to be exercised as well. Performing facial exercises helps to tone your skin, gives you a natural face-lift, helps to improve blood circulation, and prevents skin aging. Some facial exercises you can do at home:

Lift your eyebrows and relax (15 times)
  • Spout your lips and hold for 2 seconds and relax (15 times)
  • Open your mouth wide open, hold for 2 seconds and relax (15times)
  • Lift your head up and massage your neck upwards.
  • Eat right. Stay active. Be happy.

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