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What Your Food Cravings Really Mean and Healthy Substitutions

food cravings and healthy substitutions with Sunwarrior

By Sunwarrior Last Edited 7-16-2024

Food cravings are a common experience, often signaling our body's need for specific nutrients or emotional comfort. However, indulging in unhealthy cravings can lead to poor dietary habits and health issues. Instead, consider healthier alternatives that satisfy your cravings while nourishing your body. Sunwarrior, known for its plant-based, high-quality products, offers excellent substitutions for common unhealthy foods. Here’s a look at what your food cravings might mean and how you can make healthier choices with Sunwarrior products.

Craving: Fats (deep fried foods, high fat animal meat, whole milk)

What it Means: When you are undernourished or are not consuming enough calories the body tends to crave fats for more energy.

For women especially, desire for fats could indicate that your body needs healthy fats to normalize hormonal imbalances (hormones are made up of fatty acids!).

A craving for fatty foods might suggest a need for essential fatty acids or a deficiency in fat-soluble vitamins like A, D, E, and K.

Substitution: Incorporate Sunwarrior Omega-3 Vegan DHA & EPA supplements into your diet to ensure you get healthy fats from algae, which are crucial for brain and heart health. Also, try adding Sunwarrior Classic Protein to meals to provide essential nutrients without unhealthy fats. Healthy fats can also come from Avocado, Coconut Oil, Coconut Milk, Nuts, Seeds, Nut or Seed Butter.

Craving: Chocolate

Sunwarrior be well cacao

What it Means: Craving chocolate can indicate a need for magnesium, a mineral essential for muscle and nerve function, blood sugar control, and bone health.

Substitution: Opt for Sunwarrior’s Magnesium Capsules or add Sunwarrior Collagen Building Protein Peptides in chocolate flavor to your smoothies. These alternatives provide the necessary nutrients and a rich chocolate flavor without the excessive sugar and calories of traditional chocolate. If you feel like you need chocolate, you could also opt for a dark chocolate or a quality cacao like Sunwarrior Be Well Cacao.

Craving: Sugary Snacks

What it Means: A strong desire for sugary snacks often points to blood sugar fluctuations or a need for quick energy. It can also be a sign of a deficiency in chromium which is a mineral that helps insulin function to control blood sugar levels.

Other deficiencies that result in cravings for sugary foods are carbon, phosphorus, sulfur, and tryptophan

Substitution: Eat Broccoli, Oats, Fresh Fruit, Nuts, Legumes, Raisins, Cranberries, Kale, and, for on-the-go satisfaction, replace sugary snacks with Sunwarrior Sol Good Protein Bars, which are coming soon! These bars offer natural sweetness from fruits and are packed with protein, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels and provide sustained energy.

Craving: Salty Foods such as chips, sea salt, popcorn

Sunwarrior Active Hydration

What it Means: Cravings for salty foods can indicate a need for electrolytes or dehydration. It can also be a sign of stress, as the body seeks salt to balance stress hormones. Or it could be a sign of mineral depletion.

Our bodies need trace minerals to stay healthy, these can sometimes taste salty so when we are lacking these minerals it feels like we are craving salt, when in reality we are craving minerals such as calcium, sodium, zinc and magnesium.

Substitution: Sea Vegetables, Chia, Hemp, Tomatoes, Lettuce, Cashews. Hydrate with Sunwarrior’s Active Hydration which can provide those missing electrolytes and minerals. Consider supplementing your diet with Sunwarrior’s Magnesium.

Craving: Caffeine

What it Means: Craving caffeine can be a sign of fatigue, lack of sleep, or a need for a quick energy boost. It may also indicate a magnesium or iron deficiency.

Substitution: Instead of reaching for coffee, try Sunwarrior’s Active MCT Oil powder, which promotes energy and boosts metabolism to help you power through the moments that matter most. You can also opt for Sunwarrior Warrior Blend + Greens for a satisfying and energizing protein boost.

Craving: Carbohydrates

What it Means: If you are constantly craving carbs it might mean you are lacking tryptophan, an amino acid . Tryptophan is needed for our bodies to create serotonin, a mood-regulating hormone, so a lack of carbs may lead to a bad mood and anxiety.

Substitution: Nuts, Beans, Chia Seeds, Spinach, Sweet Potato, and High Protein Foods like Sunwarrior Active Protein with its complete amino acid profile.

Sunwarrior active protein shake

It is important to recognize what foods you are craving and then determine why you are craving these foods in order to properly nourish the body and overcome the craving.  Keeping a cravings food journal can be a helpful way to understand why you are having these cravings.  Be sure to write down the foods you crave, the time of day, and how you are feeling at the time.  If you know that your cravings are caused by emotional needs, such as stress or anxiety, a good way to curb them is to do something for yourself. Whether it is exercise, a massage, watching a movie, or reading a book.  Remember, moderation is key, and it's always beneficial to listen to your body's signals and respond with nutritious choices.

Understanding your food cravings can help you make healthier choices that nourish your body and support overall well-being. Sunwarrior offers a variety of plant-based, nutrient-dense products that can serve as excellent substitutes for common unhealthy cravings. By integrating these substitutions into your diet, you can satisfy your cravings while maintaining a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

sunwarrior active protein



Veronica leclerc

Thank you for all that you do , sunwarrior

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