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Work-Off-Those-Holiday-Treats HIIT Workout

January, with all the resolutions it comes with, is the perfect time to work off those holiday treats! Let’s get started!

Holidays are filled with Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Cyber Monday, Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s. What about Workout Wednesday? That’s a thing, right? Holidays are fun, usually mixed with lots of friends and family time. But it’s not usually full of working out, even if it is just 10 minutes or even 15 minutes. Even the short workouts can make a huge difference. The new year is a lot of catch-up work, but working out gets cast to the side then, too. Yes, life can be crazy… and busy, however, don’t let that stop you from at least getting a little bit of some exercise in. As an introvert, exercise helps give me some alone time. That’s when HIIT training can help out!

What is HIIT? HIIT is High-Intensity Interval Training. Research shows that high-intensity interval training help improve athletic capacity and condition. HIIT is also shown to help improve muscle and bone mass while reducing fat mass in the body.

This is a full body workout, working the arms, legs, core, mixed a little bit with some cardio!

I would recommend doing a short warm-up before the workout and short cool down after the workout. For example, do a 5–10-minute warm-up/cool-down of spinning, walking, running, jump rope.

Do one exercise, straight to the next exercise, then once you get to the end, repeat the whole thing 3–4 times through. It should only take you 20–30 minutes to complete. Do you want to make this workout even better? Grab a friend or family member and have them do it with you! Like the saying goes misery loves company! J

Why grab a friend or family member to do the workout with? It gives you a whole different level of motivation. It is easier to get up early in the morning when you have a friend that is waiting for you. It makes training more fun. You can push each other. It helps get you outside your comfort zone. On January 1st, millions (or billions?) of Americans will resolve to get in better shape, change habits. So, let’s get started!

  • 15 jumping jacks
  • 14 calf raises
  • 13 mountain climbers (each side)
  • 12 side lunges (each side)
  • 11 dips
  • 10 front plank with shoulder taps (total)
  • 9 wide push-ups
  • 8 Russian twists
  • 7 skaters (each leg)
  • 6 front lunges with hammer curls (each side)
  • 5 squat jumps
  • 4 curtsy lunges (each side)
  • 3 bicep curls
  • 2 burpees with push-ups
  • 1 x 45 seconds plank hold

Great job on completing the workout! Keep it up!

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