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Tips for Raising Healthy Children

Raising children is hard work, but keeping them healthy shouldn’t have to be, so we’re giving you tips to raising healthy kids!

Whether you have or don’t have children, implementing a healthy lifestyle from a young age should be our main priority. Here are some great tips for helping our children grow up healthy along with using Sunwarrior products as a daily part of their nutritional routine. Instead of fast food, go for a low-sugar smoothie!

Nutrition refers to everything that your child eats and drinks. Your child's body uses nutrients from food to function properly and stay healthy. Nutrients include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. In the right amounts, nutrients give your child energy to grow, learn, and be active. Proper child development relies on a solid nutritional foundation, which includes the correct amount of each nutrient. Starting our children out young with healthy lifestyles and eating habits will pave their development both cognitively and physically and set the path for their overall health and wellness that will follow them for the rest of their lives. We are responsible for how our children eat and the lifestyle we chose to introduce to them starting in the womb.

Obesity in children in the US with over 3 million new cases starting from infancy every year. The number of cases has more than tripled from the 1970’s. 34% of children in the US eat fast food and almost on a daily basis. Kids are getting way too much added sugar in their diets, according to a new report from the CDC, and that could raise their risk for obesity and chronic diseases. Nearly 60% of our children’s diet is consumed of processed foods and sugars. That’s shameful! As parents, we can take control of what our children eat. By giving our children unhealthy choices, we are creating inflammation that will set them on a course for chronic disease.

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The solution is pretty simple when kids are young: either don't give them that option or just say no when they ask. But what about when they get older and are out there on their own? Some people might think it's a bit ridiculous to be concerned about something like eating processed food with all the other pressures of life, but a diet high in processed food has significant effects on overall health during childhood, adolescence, and the teenage years, all leading to adulthood. Here are just a few health concerns processed food has been linked to in children:


In a 2011 randomized controlled trial published in the Lancet, children with ADHD who eliminated processed food showed a significant decrease in ADHD symptoms. When the foods were reintroduced, symptoms intensified.

Type 2 Diabetes

According to a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, processed foods contribute to the development of insulin resistance due to their concentrations of chemicals.


A 2012 study published in Clinical Epigenetics found that high consumption of additives like high fructose corn syrup contributes to mineral deficiencies that might contribute to autism spectrum disorders.

Food Sensitivities

Another alarming issue with our children is food intolerances and food allergies. If your child has a food allergy, you are probably already aware if, for example, he gets hives after he eats bananas, or he can’t breathe around peanuts. Because of this immediate immune response or IgE reaction, food allergies are typically easy to determine. Harder to pinpoint, however, are food sensitivities, which are IgG or delayed immune reactions. These IgG reactions can be difficult to recognize because of the vague and often wide range of symptoms that may take up to 72 hours or longer to display themselves. Ever see the children with clear snotty noses and red cheeks? This is due to a poor diet or food intolerance.

Food sensitivities can develop over time, often because of over consumption of these foods and imbalances in the gut. The top five food sensitivities I see in children are gluten, dairy, corn, soy, and eggs. The potential consequences of consuming these foods if your child has a sensitivity to one of them are inflammation which can lead to a leaky gut and chronic illnesses such as autoimmune diseases in the future.

Signs Your Child has a Food Sensitivity

  • Stomach aches
  • Constipation and diarrhea
  • Fatigue, joint pain, and muscle pain
  • Frequent infections, especially of the ears and throat
  • Skin irritation and rashes
  • Behavioral issues
  • ADD/ADHD or other problems with concentration
  • Unexplained weight gain or loss
  • Frequent bed wetting
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder

If your child exhibits some of these symptoms, the good news is that Sunwarrior has products such as Immune Shield, Vitamin Mineral Rush, and Liquid Light that provide ample amounts of vitamins and minerals to help our children fully thrive! These products will also help boost their immune systems decreasing sickness and even intensity of being sick. They have little or no taste at all and can even be put into their drinks or smoothies. Sunwarrior also makes a product called Super Greens which has not only a healthy amount of greens and chlorophyll but also probiotics which will help with gut issues and immune system health. Super Greens also have zero artificial or synthetic ingredients (as do all the products). Mix it into their smoothies or bake with it. They will never know! And we will never tell.

Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies in children are also very common. As stated before, even adults do not get the proper amount of nutrition. Our children need vitamins and minerals for proper development. Some common deficiencies:

  • Folate
  • Vitamin D
  • B12
  • Zinc
  • Iodine
  • Vitamin A

Using Sunwarrior illumin8 protein for our children, we are not only sneaking in all those essential vitamins and minerals but also creating a fun environment that we can share with them! Let them pick out what they want in their smoothie (with your nutritional guidance of course) and put it in the blender themselves. They are creating their own protein masterpiece and will be more excited about drinking it. Turn your family into protein nerds! They will feel like smoothie making chemists, and it will not only be a way to introduce a healthy lifestyle but also to help them grow up healthy and happy!

Get healthy with our free fitness challenge where we give you a free meal plan and a free exercise regimen to follow so you can feel your best!

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