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Staying Healthy and Active During the Holiday Season in 10 Easy Steps!

Bring home health for the holidays by understanding how to be active during the season with these 10 easy steps!

Without a doubt, the holiday season is a wonderful time of year. It is usually a time of joy, family, friends and being mindful and thankful. Family and friends might be coming to visit, or you might be going to visit someone, but either way, the result is usually an altered routine from the norm – and that is okay! There are still plenty of ways to enjoy the time you have with your loved ones, indulge a little, and remain healthy with a few easy steps.

Get Outside!

Before it gets too cold, enjoy the foliage and crisp air by taking a walk, hike, or bike ride. This is great if you are overwhelmed and need to clear your mind, or you can call up a friend or family member to join you. Visit local orchards and pick your own fruit, or do some service by raking the leaves for your neighbors.

Keep Your Immune System Strong

Keeping your immune system strong during the holiday season is key! I like to start off my day with green tea (plain hot water or any tea will do), freshly squeezed lemon, cinnamon, turmeric, and a bit of honey. This will provide your body with sufficient antioxidants and vitamins to start the day. Also, be sure to get enough sleep, and continue taking a multivitamin, like Sunwarrrior’s RAW vitamins.

Do Something Active Every Day

Shop! Seriously – steps add up when you’re walking at the mall or outlet stores. Don’t shop online, but go out and do it in person. If you don’t have the time or desire to work out one day, get some holiday errands done to kill two birds with one stone. You can never go wrong with walking! Anything you can do to increase your daily steps is great. Taking the stairs or parking farther away will have a positive impact, and if you’re consistent and mindful of those choices, then you will notice a difference. One other tip is never to underestimate stretching! Yoga is great for the mind and body, and even dynamic and static stretches are great as well. I used to think that if I didn't do a hardcore workout class or spend hours in the gym every day that I wasn't getting in a "good" workout. Although a more intense workout might be ideal, the truth is that there is no "bad" workout.

Partner Workout

Like I mentioned before, the weather is beautiful in the fall to call a friend for outdoor workouts. Even if it’s too cold, call up a friend to take a yoga or SoulCycle class with you to catch up. If you’re back home visiting family, make it a family event and ask siblings or parents to join in.

Be Prepared

When I travel, I like to bring leg weights with me (fair warning, if you are flying, be sure to take them out of your bag before going through security… I might have made this mistake before…). This also means being prepared with healthy snacks. If I am home, I always try to have some fresh fruit or cut up veggies on hand to snack on with guacamole, hummus, or nut butter. When I am on the go, I try to carry fruit, almonds, or Sunwarrior Sol Good protein bars. The main idea is to keep healthy snacks on hand and to not go too long without eating. It is better to stay nourished than to be ravenous when you arrive somewhere with a bunch of holiday treats!


Follow the 80/20 rule of eating healthy/clean 80% of the time and allowing treats 20% of the time. I know everyone has heard this before, but you don’t even have to follow 80/20 exact – tailor it to yourself. If 60/40 helps you feel like you’re enjoying your holidays and not depriving, or if you’d rather stay more regimented but still have some indulgence and 90/10 works better for you, then do what your body tells you. The key here is to focus on mainly eating healthy, but remember that this only happens once a year, and do not lose sight of the importance of the season and family time. No one can be perfect all the time, but do what you can. If you are baking or cooking, then add some more fruit or veggies into the mix, or make some substitutions in your dessert! There are endless possibilities, just remain aware.

Stay Hydrated

This applies in many ways. Try to have one glass of water for every alcoholic drink you have so you do not dehydrate yourself, or end up drinking way more than planned. Beginning the day with a cup of water or warm water with lemon will also help to detoxify. Try to drink more than soda, and save the drink indulgences for something special, like homemade eggnog, or your family member’s punch.

Pick Your Indulgences

Know what you love, and enjoy it. Whether it is a favorite childhood dessert, a second helping of a favorite side dish, or a drink you can’t live without – indulge mindfully. Do not deprive yourself of life’s simple pleasures, but be present in the joy that is brought during this time of year, and don’t overdo it.


Practice yoga, stretch, go for a walk, read a book, or watch your favorite Christmas movie. Do something that will help you wind down and lower cortisol if you get too overwhelmed with planning, cooking, shopping, and family.

Don’t Overthink

With all the craziness of the holiday season, it is easy to lose sight of what is important. This time of year is meant for people to think about all that they are thankful for, to be joyous and to spend time with loved ones. Don’t lose sight of the true importance of this time of year.

Be safe and happy this holiday season ????

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