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Your Best Body – 10 Ways to Stay Motivated This Summer

Your body is a fabulous gift. Here is how to treat it right, so it’ll be a gift to last a lifetime!

We know that exercise should be an essential part of one’s lifestyle. The body was designed to move, stretch, and lift objects. There are many benefits to physical activity; it delivers oxygen to cells and tissues, removes toxins in the body, stabilizes body weight, sculpts the body, energizes the lymphatic system, and helps to eliminate illness and disease just to name a few. Some form of exercise should be done daily to keep our bodies strong and limber and to avoid unnecessary aches and pains.

Even though we may know the benefits of exercise, sometimes, we need a little motivation to keep us going. Below are some tips to help keep you inspired and give you some ideas so that you can achieve your best body!

Exercise in the Morning

This way you get it out of the way first thing bright and early. Morning exercise sets a positive tone for the rest of your day. You feel energized, your mind is clear and more focused, and now you can enjoy the rest of the day knowing that you exercised.

Write Down Your Goals to Stay Focused

What does your ideal body look like? Craft a clear and exciting vision of your ideal body. Write as much detail as you can. Be specific on how you want your body to look. Then read it often to remind yourself of your vision and goal. You can also take it one step further, create a vision board and hang it where you can always see it to remind you of your ideal body. This can help you stay inspired and on track.

Don’t Just Focus on Cardiovascular Exercise

This only takes you so far. Initially it may help shed some body weight; however, if you want that extra special sexy, sculpted, lean, toned look you need to push those weights. If the gym is not your thing buy some basic weight equipment such as dumbbells, resistance bands, and a yoga mat. Doing body weight exercise like push ups and squats, lunges, and pull-ups can also be beneficial. All you need is 30 minute of strength training 3 to 4 times a week to help tighten and tone your body.

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Keep Up with New and Exciting Fitness Trends

Subscribe to a fitness magazine to stay motivated, passionate, and up to date with the latest and greatest trends. Incorporate interval training to maximize fat burning. It is quick and intense, but you will notice a significant improvement in your fitness level.

Invite the Family

If family time is an issue, plan family time around physical activities such as biking, hiking, walking, and running. Jumping on a trampoline with your kids can be fun and really great for your lymphatic system. Make exercise fun so that your kids not only learn what an active lifestyle looks like but they, too, can have fun and keep this lifestyle going into their adulthood.

Bring a Friend

Invite a buddy or buddies to exercise with you. This can help keep each other accountable to your goals. Plan weekly walks, hikes, bike rides. Motivate each other to stay on track and push harder each week.

Keep it Trackable

Wear a wristband pedometer and count your daily steps. Keep track and see how far you can go. Challenge yourself every day to go farther. This alone is an amazing motivator that can keep you on track.

Every Second Counts

Squeeze in activity whenever and wherever you can. If you can’t follow a structured workout plan, then do the best you can. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Workout at the park while your toddler is having fun, too. There are lots of benches at parks that you can utilize for dips, step-ups, lunges and even pull ups can be done at the park on the monkey bars. Be resourceful and have fun!

Be Creative

Utilize your surroundings. Here are some examples, if you are waiting in line, stand on your tippy toes and do some calf raises. Do bicep curls with grocery bags you are carrying in the house. Got a wall close by? Place your back up against it and squat until your legs are parallel to the ground and hold it for 20 to 30 seconds or as long as you can. You can get those glutes firing while going up the stairs. Take two stairs at a time, do a kickback with your leg, and squeeze your glutes on each step.


Add a stress relief activity at least once a week. Life can get very stressful, and the body needs some down time. Incorporate a gentle stretching program, tai chi, or yoga class into your week. I personally love doing a yoga restorative class. I work out hard during the week and by the end of the week, I really look forward to my restorative yoga class. It helps my body destress from my busy week. It slows me down, helps me focus on my breathing and connect with my inner self. Incorporating stress relief activities can help keep you calm and relaxed.

We all need inspiration to keep going. I hope these tips will help keep you motivated this summer. It is important to do what you can to be active and moving throughout the day. Your life depends on it!

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