With the stress and pressure of everyday life, choose natural remedies to help ease migraines and headaches.
Modern day living definitely has its stress, Because of this, I’m sure you’ve experienced a headache. And maybe not just a headache, but a migraine. More than 38 million people suffer from migraines in the US with almost 5 million people experiencing at least one migraine attack each month.
From migraines and tension headaches to cluster headaches, there are different types of headaches that you may experience during your lifetime. Symptoms include throbbing pain, light, sound sensitivity, and nausea. And interestingly enough, migraines can affect three-times as many women as men. This higher rate is likely due to hormones.
Here are five natural remedies to help ease migraines and headaches:
- Take Magnesium
- Eat the Rights Foods
- Try Meditation
- Use Hemp Oil
- Drink Enough Water
Why Do You Get Headaches?
Migraines are the third most common disease in the world with a global prevalence of approximately 14.7%. A headache can occur in any part of your head consisting of primary or secondary headaches. Primary headaches are stand-alone illnesses caused directly by pressure or problems with structures in the head. Secondary headaches are symptoms of another condition.
Stress is one of the most common migraine triggers. About 80% of migraine patients with identifiable triggers stated that stress is a common trigger. The American Migraine Foundation states that stress is a trigger in almost 70% of people with migraines.
Common triggers also include an irregular sleep schedule, diet, caffeine, alcohol, dehydration, and hormonal changes. Medication-overuse is one of the most common reasons why episodic migraines turn chronic.
Everyone has different triggers, but there are a few common culprits that affect the large majority of people living with headaches. Migraines and headaches can be very disruptive with 91% of people missing work or unable to function normally during a migraine attack.
How to Relieve Migraines and Headaches Naturally
Take Magnesium
Magnesium is a crucial mineral that’s necessary for over 300 biochemical functions in the body. The mineral has also been found to be an effective remedy for headaches. Evidence suggests that people with magnesium deficiencies suffer from more frequent headaches than those who don’t have those same deficiencies.
One study found that treatment of 600mg of oral magnesium citrate every day helped reduce both severity and frequency of migraine headaches. There are countless benefits to magnesium, yet 80% of Americans are deficient.

The Benefits of Magnesium; Why 80% of Americans Are Deficient
Sunwarrior’s Magnesium Liquid is a natural ionic magnesium supplement created without any nasties such as chemicals or solvents.
This yoga in a bottle helps you meet your daily required amount of magnesium. As well as helping to alleviate headaches and migraines, benefits include relaxing muscles, calming nerves, and promoting sleep.
Eat the Right Foods

Eating the right foods is just as important as not eating the wrong foods when it comes to alleviating headaches. Eliminate inflammation foods from your diet such as processed sugar, alcohol, dairy, wheat flour, trans-fats, and sodium. Diet plays a pivotal role in helping prevent headaches.
One study shows that a plant-based diet, followed by an elimination diet may help reduce migraine pain. An elimination diet helps identify any food-based triggers so you can adjust your diet accordingly. Fuel your body with a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Incorporate more raw green, leafy vegetables such as kale and spinach.
Healthy plant-based foods to eat if you suffer from migraines and headaches include:
- Cucumbers
- Watermelon
- Ginger
- Sweet potato
- Sesame seeds
- Mushrooms
- Hemp seeds
Ginger root contains numerous benefits with its antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances. One study found that 250mg of ginger powder was as effective at reducing pain as conventional headache medication.
14 Amazing Health Benefits of Ginger You May Not Know
Try Meditation

With stress being such a main driver for headaches, several studies have reported that mindfulness meditation has a potential effect in controlling headaches. One study compared pharmacotherapy and mindfulness training in people with tension headaches and migraines. They found that significantly lower pain intensity was reported by those in the mindfulness training group.
Further research found that people who practiced meditation experienced 1.4 fewer migraines each month. To begin incorporating a meditation practice into your everyday life, set aside 10 minutes out of your day. Start off slowly and build up your practice. Find a comfortable space, try and clear your head, and focus on your breath. When your mind wanders, which it will, bring your focus back to the breath.
Before reaching for a bottle of painkillers, think about the natural remedies available for fast headache relief.
22 Natural Headache Remedies for Fast Relief
Use Hemp Oil
Migraines can last anywhere from 4 to 72 hours, and while painkillers may help to temporarily alleviate the pain, the side effects and ingredients used can be concerning. Hemp is one of many active components found in the cannabis plant and can be used to treat medical conditions naturally. It only contains trace, if any, of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) meaning it has no psychoactive effects.
One study found that medical marijuana may reduce the frequency of migraine headaches. Evidence shows that Hemp oil can help relieve symptoms related to a migraine. As governing laws continue to loosen up, more research can be done on the benefits of Hemp oil. Many people have found Hemp oil to be a natural remedy for them.
Drink Enough Water

Drinking plenty of water is vital to optimum health. Studies have shown that chronic dehydration is a common cause of migraines and headaches. It’s easy to forget to drink enough water every day.
Symptoms of dehydration can include dry skin, thirst, muscle cramps, and headaches. To avoid dehydration headaches, drink plenty of water throughout the day and consume water-rich foods such as cucumber, watermelon, and oranges.