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Raw Pumpkin Pie (No Cheese)cake

Quick! Before the pumpkin season is over! Have your pie and eat it, too, with this raw, vegan pumpkin pie [no cheese]cake!

This raw protein pumpkin pie [no cheese]cake is a treat I made on a whim when I was craving something creamy and festive and pumpkin-y, but raw and energizing for mid-day snacking, not baked and cozy for evening cuddling and snacking. The great thing about a raw treat like this raw protein pumpkin pie [no cheese]cake is that because it’s raw, it’s actually chock full of living enzymes (they’re ALIVE because they haven’t been heated) that easily jet right into our bodies, and because they’re bringing their own live enzymes with them, our bodies break down and digest this plant food like speedy Gonzalez, which means they immediately give our bodies more energy! Did that make sense? I sure hope so.

Something that actually doesn’t make much sense to me is how just a few simple ingredients that you probably have in your kitchen right now, plus a few quick minutes that you can probably find (who needs to do laundry, anyway) can yield something so tasty that my fiancé and I had to fight over last bites! I’m telling you - this raw protein pumpkin pie [no cheese]cake is really, really, REALLY good to eat. Not so good at keeping marital bickering to a minimum, but I’m still very excited for you to make it!

So now here’s how to do that:

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