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Meet Jay Kordich

Jay Kordich was born in 1923 just outside San Diego, California. He grew up in the shadow of his hard working father who was a fisherman and captain of his own fishing boat. Jay learned early on the value of a hard day's work. He also grew and developed the muscles that would serve him well as a football player at the University of Southern California.

In 1948 at the age of 25, Jay was diagnosed with a serious illness and was told he may not have long to live. After reviewing all the treatments available, he left California and traveled to New York City to see Dr. Max Gerson who was treating terminally ill patients with fresh raw juices and healthy cleansing diets. Jay became his patient and immediately began a regimen of large doses of raw carrot/apple juice. It wasn't long before Jay's health was restored and the direction of his life was changed forever.

From a star athlete to surviving a life-threatening illness, all by the age of 26, Jay soon decided he wanted to spread the word of fresh juices and eating a healthy diet. For the next 40 years Jay took his message to anyone who would listen, from county fairs to large department stores to seaside juicing shops. It was his passion to teach everyone he could reach how to be healthy through the power of fresh juices.

In 1990 Jay appeared on his first, national infomercial and Americans embraced him. They were excited to hear his message of long life, health and vitality. He became a New York Times best selling author, speaker and lecturer and created audio and video programs to spread his message of good health through live foods.

Through the years Jay has been featured on:

  • More than 500 television shows
  • Over 1000 radio talk shows
  • USA TODAY (cover article)
  • WALL STREET JOURNAL (cover article)

In 2005, at the age of 82, Jay and his wife Linda co-wrote his latest book, "Live Foods Live Bodies". In this 240 page full color book, you will find Jay's life long secrets to vital health, stamina and longevity through the power of living foods and juices. There are recipes, meal planning, preparation guidelines, cleansing programs, and more. Page after page of information, served up step by step to help you achieve long lasting health into your 80s, 90s, 100s and beyond!

Now jay is a healthy and vibrant 87 years old. He looks and acts like a man half that age. He is out to teach everyone the "secrets" to his long and vital life. Jay says, "My mission is to motivate, teach and inspire people on a global level to live a healthy life by consuming more fresh juices on a daily basis. These live foods have transformed and helped heal my life on so many levels for the past sixty years."

Linda Kordich

Linda Kordich grew up in a natural foods family dating back to 1965 when her mother became very ill. Being a vegetarian at the age of 12 stood her apart from most people in those times. In her late teens, she fell into a life threatening disease known now as anorexia/bulimia, but learned through studying and observing the natural healing qualities of fresh vegetable juices and living foods, that this was something she could heal, given the right environment and food choices.

Recovering from this disease marked her life as a compassionate teacher to help those unfortunate to have fallen into a food addiction. Recovered now for 28 years, Linda attests living foods and virtuous living a major part of her complete healing. Linda then became an undergraduate student in primary education, specializing in understanding children's psychological and emotional challenges.

In college, Linda trained as an elementary school teacher for several years, and soon afterwards met Jay. By the time she was 25 she married Jay and started teaching vegetarian food classes along with fresh vegetable juicing classes in 1981. In 1992, she helped Jay co-write "The Juiceman®'s Power of Juicing", it became a New York Times best seller with over 2 million books sold to date.

Drawing on over 30 years experience with natural foods, In 2006 Linda helped write and produce, The "Live Foods, Live Bodies" program. She now accompanies Jay around the world teaching, inspiring and motivating people to eat more living foods. Linda is now a vibrant and healthy 54. She lives happily with her husband Jay, of 29 years, and their children, John and Jayson.


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