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Charlie Pulsipher

Charlie Pulsipher is the seventh child of nine children. He grew up watching his mother make large meals from scratch that leaned heavily on gardening to supplement a large family’s food needs. He saw how the food he ate powered his forays into soccer, running, and hiking throughout beautiful Southern Utah.

Charlie’s love of nature and biology led him to begin a college degree in biochemistry, but, after deciding math wasn’t his favorite subject and seeing how much he would be required to do, he made a radical shift to a degree in English focused around literature and creative writing.

Charlie worked at hotels while obtaining his degree and continued with hotel management for many years after, allowing the high stress nature of the job to interfere with his passion for exercise and healthy food. He gained fifty pounds and saw his cholesterol levels climb well beyond safe limits. In an act of desperation to save his life and sanity, Charlie quit his job at hotels early in 2011 to focus on his writing and his waning health.

Charlie published science-fiction novel with touches of fantasy, The Crystal Bridge, where his love for the outdoors, nature, and biology are evident. He lost thirty-five pounds and cut his cholesterol in half by focusing on a more plant-based diet and hiking the breathtaking cliffs of Zion. Charlie then took a copywriter position for a vegan protein and supplement company where he could pursue his passion for writing and health simultaneously.

Charlie is happily working on the last fifteen pounds with his wife, Jasmine, and his neurotic dog, Mahoney, at his side while also writing about plant-based foods, nutrition, and fitness. On the side he continues to chip away at three more science-fiction and fantasy novels."

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