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Mineral Complex Benefits {Why You Need It for Better Health}

sunwarrior Complex

Are you feeling tired, sluggish, or having trouble focusing? It’s not just in your head. Chances are, something essential is missing from your diet. It’s clear we need better nutrition, but the solution might be simpler than you think.

Chances are when you feel tired, sluggish or lack mental clarity – there’s something missing. Did you know that without the proper nutrition even your confidence & personality are negatively affected? That we need better nutrition is obvious.

The alarming fact is that food … now being raised on millions of acres of land that no longer contain enough … minerals are starving us, no matter how much of them we eat….Lacking vitamins, the system (body) can make use of minerals, but lacking minerals, vitamins are useless! (USA Senate document 264, 74th Congress, 1936)

Get this FREE e-book and learn why minerals are the "Spark of Life" Mineral Report.

What is a Mineral Complex?

A mineral complex is a carefully balanced blend of essential minerals that your body relies on to function properly. These include macro and trace minerals (think magnesium, calcium, and potassium) that keep everything from your bones to your muscles working smoothly.

The fact that our food sources have been significantly lacking in important minerals was recognized in 1939, but the condition has not improved. From 1940 to 1991, trace minerals in fruits and vegetables have declined by up to 76%, according to the Journal of Complimentary Medicine in 2001.

It is well established that the human body needs 60 minerals in order to maintain a healthy condition. Food currently raised and on the market, generally contain less than about 16-18 minerals. Now the estimate is that less than 4% of Americans eat sufficient fruits and vegetables to account for minimal mineral requirements of the RDAs.

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As many as a third of the world's people do not meet their physical and intellectual potential because of vitamin and mineral deficiencies. (Report released in New York today by UNICEF and The Micronutrient Initiative, 2004)

People are sick with degenerative and deficiency related diseases now more than ever. Seven decades ago, investigations into American farming practices, indicated that 99% of Americans had serious nutritional deficiencies. Today’s farming practices have not improved the situation.

Virtually all the natural mineral complex, fulvic acid, has been eliminated from modern commercial farmland. Fruits and vegetables grown under these circumstances cannot supply enough dietary vitamins and minerals. The results are degenerative diseases. Dr. Pauling, two times Nobel Laureate, stated “You could trace every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”

Just taking vitamins often results in nutrition being flushed through the digestive system, without delivering any real value. As an example, zinc is required for mobilization of stored vitamin A from the liver. The human body can utilize minerals without vitamins, but vitamins and most other nutrients are basically useless without minerals.

Minerals are essential to the proper functioning of thousands of biological processes in the body. Since minerals collaborate, a deficiency of only one mineral can have a devastating impact. A great example, magnesium and potassium work together to enhance cellular retention.

The synergy between calcium, magnesium and phosphorus is an essential requirement in the maintenance and structure of bony tissue. There are not minerals that can be sacrificed without causing some disruption in healthy processes.

Read more: symptoms side effects mineral deficienc

Sunwarrior’s Liquid Light and Immune Shield supplementation is a good start toward reversing this situation. Both Liquid Light and Immune Shield provide a fulvic acid complex that is essential for maximum human health and has been missing from our diets for generations.

Vital re-mineralization of our bodies without the fulvic acid has little benefit. Fulvic acid is instrumental to the transport of more minerals, enzymes, and oxygen to the cells.

Thousands and thousands of years ago the earth was in an optimum organic condition. The vegetation was very lush. The soil was wealthy with minerals, trace elements, and teaming with microbes, as is evidenced by ancient remains called humic deposits.

These deposits are quite rare, but even more rare are deposits of humic substance that are exceedingly rich in a little known substance called fulvic acid. Sunwarrior has discovered one such tremendous source of fulvic acid in an ancient petrified plant deposit in rural Utah. This deposit of fulvic acid is truly remarkable in its purity.

The fulvic acid in Sunwarrior’s Liquid Light and plant-based immunity Shield is starting to get recognition for its extraordinary potential. Fulvic acid has always occurred naturally in organic plants and soils, yet its recent discovery and tremendous value is now proving priceless. Health experts theorize that without fulvic acid, nothing would live. It balances and energizes cell life.



Liquid Light is created by millions of beneficial microbes working on decaying plant matter. Because of the small molecules, it easily dissolves and bonds minerals. This process is called Chelating. The word chelate (pronounced: "key-late") comes from the Greek word "chele" which literally means "claw.”

This is best described as grasping and holding something, which is essentially what occurs in the process of chelation. Nutrients that have been chelated by fulvic acid are in an ideal natural form to be absorbed by living cells. Liquid Light is so powerful that one single molecule is capable of carrying 60 or more minerals and trace elements into the cells.

Mineral products are of NO value if the minerals are not delivered inside the cell wall. Sunwarrior’s Liquid Light enables that delivery to take place.


The best offense is a great defense – that is how our bodies work and where Sunwarrior’s Immune Shield can help.

You do not need to succumb to seasonal illness. With a strong, healthy body, you can easily defend yourself against all the common ailments such as cold and flu. Immune Shield is formulated to be the optimal balance of trace minerals and ions, including ionized silver in an easily digestible form, to support the naturally occurring process of your immune system.

Your individual cells, when properly nourished, are capable of producing necessary amino acids and enzymes, creating energy, and properly maintaining and duplicating. When these factors are supplied to our cells, the cells then create the building blocks of our life process.

These reactions create a whole body healing vital to combating disease and illness. The fulvic acid and complexed silver in Sunwarrior’s Immune Shield are rapidly gaining respect as key elements for outstanding health.

You are about to discover the magic effect of bio-available minerals with naturally occurring fulvic acid from vegetation – NOT inorganic rock minerals. Imagine getting the maximum good out of all your food.

Imagine actually getting all the benefits from vitamins. Imagine not fearing a cold or flu. Just imagine enjoying life without feeling slow or weighed down. It’s the way we were born to be.

Why Do We Need a Mineral Complex?

Despite the advances in food production, most modern crops are grown in soil stripped of essential nutrients. Studies suggest that the levels of trace minerals in fruits and vegetables may have dropped by as much as 76% between 1940 and 1991. The average person consumes far fewer minerals than required, and this deficiency can have widespread impacts. From bone health to energy levels and immune support, a mineral complex may fill the gaps left by today’s depleted food sources.

What Are the Benefits of Taking a Mineral Complex?

1. Support your immune system: Essential minerals may strengthen your body’s natural defenses.
2. Improve energy levels: Minerals like magnesium may help in energy production, keeping you active and alert.
3. Boost muscle and bone health: Calcium and potassium may help ensure your bones stay strong and your muscles function properly.
Potential Risks of Mineral Supplements
While mineral supplements may offer benefits, taking an excessive amount may lead to negative effects. Consuming too many certain minerals, like iron or zinc, may cause discomfort, such as nausea or other unwanted symptoms. Consult with a healthcare professional beforehand.

Mineral Complex

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to take mineral supplements?

Mineral supplements are generally safe when taken in the right doses. Always speak and check with your healthcare provider before taking them.

When should I take a mineral complex?

It’s typically recommended to take your mineral complex with food to enhance absorption.

What is a complete mineral complex used for?

A complete mineral complex may support your overall health by providing essential nutrients that may benefit bone health, energy production, and more.

Which minerals can I get from supplements?

Common minerals found in supplements include magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, and iron.

What are the common side effects of mineral supplements?

Mild side effects may include stomach upset, nausea, or diarrhea, particularly if taken in excess.

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