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Break Up With Sugar

Admit it. It’s time to break up. Toxic relationships never turn out well which is why it’s time for you to ditch sugar

Removing sugars from your diet doesn't have to be this horrible disaster of quitting cold turkey and feeling miserable because all the flavor has retreated from your life.With these few tips for removing added sugars from your life, we will also teach you how to fill the gaping hole sugars leave behind.

Step 1: Find Where Sugar Hides

Check the ingredients and nutrition label. Try to keep your daily intake of added sugar below the AHA recommendation. Most products can be found with no added sugars.

  • Pasta Sauce
  • Salad Dressing
  • Canned Food - including soups and vegetables!
  • Crackers
  • Yogurt
  • Peanut Butter: Check the ingredients
  • Bread: Even the touted “whole grain’ breads are often loaded with added sugar (and other undesirable ingredients) Try: Sprouted breads (there are wheat-free varieties if you have an allergy) or homemade bread
  • Oatmeal: If it comes in a little packet, chances are it has added sugar. Try: whole oats
  • Refreshments: Try: sparkling water instead of juice or soda
  • Milks: Try Unsweetened organic: soy, almond, cashew, or rice milk

Step 2: Make sure you consume enough high-quality fats

It is a common misconception that eating fat is bad for you and will ultimately cause weight gain and disease. Replacing quality fats with low-fat, high sugar foods is actually the culprit. (Of course, eating too much fat, especially poor quality fats, can be harmful too)

Fat is a macronutrient - it is essential to every single cell in your body, not just fat cells. It is necessary to metabolize many micronutrients including vitamins A, D, E and K. Fat is also required to metabolize protein efficiently, meaning if you don’t eat enough fat, you won’t reap all the benefits of the protein you consume. Plus, it’s a great source of slow burning energy and will leave you feeling satiated rather than ravenous the way sugar does.

As you reduce added sugar from your plate, focus on eating a healthy portion of good fats like avocado, chia, flax, raw nuts, seeds and coconut.

Step 3: Focus on whole foods. Ditch added sugars. Be wowed by the Taste

Food cravings are often the reason we don’t eat as healthy as we’d like. Added sugar is definitively the culprit when it comes to tricking our taste buds and bodies into wanting unhealthy foods - because sugar is really just a big tease. You’ll never get enough; you’ll just get sick. Eating less added sugar will allow you to savor the incredible flavors in wholesale nutritious foods. It’s time to say goodbye to sickly sweets and hello to nourishing flavor!

3 QUICK & EASY BREAKFAST IDEAS that have no added sugar:

Whole Oatmeal (1/2 cup) with Sunwarrior Warrior Blend Vanilla (1/2 scoop) and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

Sprouted Toast with natural peanut or almond butter

Sun Warrior fruit smoothie (they are all amazing, here are three of my favorites)

11 LUNCH & DINNER IDEAS that have no added sugar:

Yellow Basmati Coconut Rice Pilaf:

Mediterranean Falafel Bowl:

Warm Festive Farro Salad:

Southwest Salad:

Spinach Apple Winter Salad:

Vegan Sushi:

Tempeh and Veggie Salad Spring Rolls:


Sweet Potato Kohlrabi Fritter:

Green Goddess Detox Soup:

Quinoa Black Bean Burrito Bowls:

Check out Part 1 and learn all the reasons sugar needs to be an ex in your life!

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