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Peaches & Cream Muscle Builder Smoothie with Hello Alice

Let Alice show you the way to a peachy keen workout smoothie with peaches and cream and muscle building protein!

Here’s Alice! In a fun nod to nostalgic days gone by, we’ve put together some smoothie recipes that reach back into the 1950s. The time of classy cars, drive-ins, and swanky ideas on what the future would hold is alive and well with Alice. She’ll begin with the perfect workout smoothie for all you cool cats and daddios who want to get fit. This delicious peaches and cream smoothie hides some powerful, muscle-building protein under the hood.

You don’t have to go boring or bland with your smoothies. All you need is a little Alice-know-how. Start with some quick burning carbohydrates. Alice uses orange juice and peaches to push those energy levels up. Add a slow burning carb to the mix to keep that energy going. Top that off with a quality protein, like Warrior Blend Protein. This protein is clean, vegan, natural, and delicious! It supplies the branched chain amino acids your muscles crave before and after exercise. The vanilla flavor also supplies the creaminess you expect with those peaches. Kick the protein even higher with a dash of hemp seeds.


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