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Sunwarrior Ambassador | Marni Wasserman

Join Sunwarrior Ambassador Marni Wasserman on her journey to holistic nutrition, plant-based eating, and Sunwarrior.

Meet our Ambassador, Marni Wasserman. Marni’s passions began many years ago when she began to be interested in health, nutrition, fitness, and kinesiology. Her excitement for nutrition took hold and didn’t let go. There was no stopping it from leading her down her current path.

She went to culinary school in New York, but she realized she didn’t want to become a chef who toiled away in a line in a kitchen at the back of restaurant. She wanted to use cooking and nutrition to do something more, something to benefit herself and others in a more impactful way than just a good meal from a nameless chef.

Becoming a personal trainer gave her a new direction, starting the process of doing more. Then she found out about a school in Toronto called The Institute of Holistic Nutrition, and Marni knew she had to go there to become a nutritionist. It was everything she was looking for and everything she could have hoped for. She graduated, knowing she could combine the culinary and the nutrition, and Marni Wasserman’s Cooking Classes were born.

Marni W_Citrus Rice_3_picMarni focuses on plant-based wellness and overall vitality. She also started a podcast with Dr. Jesse Chappus to help others take their health to the next level. It started as a side project, but it’s rapidly gaining momentum and complimenting everything Marni does. She can expand on certain subjects she can only touch on in other arenas of her life, sharing more about whole-foods, holistic nutrition, plant-based living, and fitness than she could in her cooking classes alone.

Marni has always been a foodie. She’s loved everything about food. No matter what she wanted to be when she grew up throughout her life, food has always been her passion. Once she learned the benefits of moving toward a plant-based lifestyle, she had to explore it more. Once she shifted away from dairy, a plant-based protein powder just made sense to her. Her first love from Sunwarrior’s line up was Classic Vanilla, but she enjoys her chocolate too. She does yoga and biking, so she also picked up Barley to keep her fuel from running low on long training sessions and to replenish after.

Her favorite part of being in Utah at Sunwarrior headquarters is the team. She’s happy to get to know the people behind the products, see them growing, watch them striving to improve themselves, just like everyone else, and experience the lifestyle focus of the company culture. She also got to experience the beautiful red rocks that surround Southern Utah, including Zion National Park. She’d love to come back and do a hardcore hike in the fall.

Marni Wasserman, you were a joy to have out. The team loves you as well, and we’re looking forward to future visits, seeing you shine at events, and being a small part of all the successes ahead of you as your classes and podcast grow. We, here at Sunwarrior, are proud to call you an Ambassador and friend.

Meet other Sunwarrior ambassador, Tim McComsey!

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