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DHA, A Good Fat

Not all fats are created equal and not all of them are bad. Docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, is an omega-3 fatty acid that is far more useful than it sounds.

This fatty acid is found within microbial algae in the ocean and it finds its way up the food chain into our diet through fish. For vegetarians, vegans, and those of us who don’t eat the recommended two or three servings of fish a week, there’s still hope for us to get the DHA we need. Many supplements now go straight to the algae source for a healthy and natural solution.

So, why is this supplement so important? DHA is essential to healthy and functional brains and eyes, but is also proving to be helpful in many other ways.

  • Cardiovascular Health – DHA lowers triglycerides, diminishes the risk of blood clots, lowers blood pressure, improves the health of arteries, and reduces the amount of arterial plaque. All this together means it may lower the risk of heart and vascular disease.
  • Brain Development and Function – DHA makes up a large part of the brain. Half of the plasma membrane surrounding each neuron is composed of this fatty acid. Higher DHA levels have been shown to improve performance on tests of reasoning, memory, and vocabulary. Aging adults and even teens can benefit from improvements in focus and brain function.
  • Eye Health – An even higher percentage of DHA is found in the retina than in the brain. It plays an important role in processing and transmitting what we see to our brain.
  • Women’s Health – DHA has been shown to lessen menstrual pain. It is also vital for women who are pregnant or nursing as it plays a vital part in the brain and eye development of infants.
  • Anti-Aging – DHA slows telomere shortening, a sign of cellular aging. Studies also show Alzheimer’s patients have lower levels of DHA in their brains than normal. It may help prevent brain degeneration, Alzheimer’s, and dementia.
  • Overall Health –The anti-inflammatory nature of DHA may reduce the risk of stroke. DHA also shows signs of being helpful in combating certain types of cancer and controlling insulin levels. Societies that consume large amounts of omega-3 fatty acids are less prone to degenerative diseases. DHA deficiency has also been associated with depression.

There are plenty of reasons for you to give this good little fat a try. Docosahexaenoic acid, don’t let the name scare you. DHA should be a part of your diet today.

Learn more about Charlie Pulsipher

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