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What we did to Warrior Blend Protein and Why

Warrior Blend has experienced a reboot, here’s the skinny on why Sunwarrior upped their game and made Warrior Blend protein even better!

Let’s talk about change. Change can be painful and hard to swallow, but it can also be a good thing, if it’s guided toward something better. We were very careful about our decisions to make our Warrior Blend protein even better.

Our Warrior Blend protein has always been fantastic, but there was some room for improvement. We started with the ingredients.

Things we changed:

  • The superfood goji berry replaces cranberry seed
  • Wholefood ground coconut replaces coconut oil
  • Guar replaces fenugreek and Konjac fibers

Why we changed them:

  • Complete Organic Certification
  • Use less-processed, whole-food ingredients
  • Boost antioxidants, vitamin C, and flavonoids
  • Improve flavor, aroma, and texture
  • Pave the way for new flavors
  • Make the best Warrior Blend possible

Why we decided on Goji:

goji_berries_red_fruit_healthy_superfood_picGoji berries are antioxidant rich, superfood berries that come full of vitamin C and flavonoids. Cranberry seed has some great benefits, but it was getting harder and harder to find organic sources that weren’t too expensive. We didn’t want to pass our expenses on to you.

Goji berries also made more sense as they are far less processed. The whole berry is simply dried and ground. Cranberries had to be deseeded before those seeds were dried and ground. We removed one step.

Why we decided on Coconut:

Coconut oil is amazing, and we love everything about it. Unfortunately it is very hard to make into a powder. The oil has to be mixed with binders and fillers before it is added to the mix, otherwise you would end up with a clumpy mess. Those binders and fillers aren’t exactly the unprocessed result we’re looking for. They also became difficult and expensive to find in organic forms.

Whole coconut comes to the rescue! Coconut naturally contains the beneficial oil and can be ground into a powder without having to add binders, emulsifiers, fillers, or anything else. It made sense to go with the less processed option that still has the anti-inflammatory coconut oil locked inside it.

Why we decided on Guar:

The fibers we use in our proteins help make a smooth and delicious smoothie out of our blend of ingredients that don’t always want to mix well on their own. Rather than a gritty beverage that separates into weird layers, you get something you aren’t ashamed to drink in public. That’s the magic of certain fibers that absorb the right amount of liquid and hold all the ingredients together.

guar_picGuar comes from a bean, is readily found as organic, and has been used in baking and supplements for a long time, long enough to show how safe and amazing it can be. Fenugreek and Konjac fibers sound more exotic, but that comes at the cost of being harder to get, more expensive, and not always guaranteed to be organic. We wanted organic or nothing.

What does this mean now?

Warrior Blend is smoother, better tasting, and less processed. It manages all this while being organic certified and still rocking its amazing amino acid profile. It also means we’re ready to bring you two new flavors, now that the formula is pretty near perfect. You’ll see Berry and Mocha hitting store shelves soon, if you haven’t already. Yes, they are as fantastic as they sound.

3 reasons you need protein!

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