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Teri Gentes

Teri GentesTeri Gentes—International Speaker, Educator, Lifestyle Coach, Natural Foods Nutritionist/Researcher, PT/Fitness Instructor, and Author—brings with her 25 plus years of experience in healthy everyday living and eating for everyday people, health advocates, and athletes. Her personal and professional passion and honoring of whole self health including preparing and consuming nutrient dense, fabulous tasting "real" foods is balanced with her research-based, informative, practical, and engaging approach. Teri instills awareness, inspires desire, and enables action making the transition to healthier habits for disease prevention and treatment easy, realistic, enjoyable, affordable, sustainable, and delicious. She is described as a vibrant and radiant soul—living proof of the philosophy she shares. To learn more about Teri, visit her at her website, www.terigentes.com, or contact her at teri@terigentes.com.

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