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Spinach Almond Balls

Getting your greens never tasted better! You’ve got to try these Spinach Almond Balls!

Why Are Greens So Good For You?

  • Dark leafy greens are an amazing superfood, giving our bodies an array of much needed vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and phytonutrients.
  • Leafy greens are naturally high in vitamin K, which helps to prevent cardiovascular disease, arterial and kidney calcification and bone fragility.
  • Some greens, such as mustard greens and kale, help to lower bad cholesterol.
  • Greens help to keep your vision healthy
  • Leafy greens are high in calcium which promotes bone health
  • Being so low in calories makes these superfoods an excellent weight management option
  • Being high in magnesium and low on the glycemic index, greens are a great choice for type 2 diabetics

Adding spinach to your diet is an excellent way to increase your vitamin and dietary fibre intake.

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