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Smokey Roasted Cauliflower Divine

Smokey roasted cauliflower is a savory meal that will fill your cells with nutrition while it fills your belly with goodness!

I am a self-confessed veggie addict, and this is one of those recipes I can make time and time again. If anyone else plans on getting any then I need to double the recipe as my personal serving size is big. This cruciferous vegetable has seemed to gain popularity recently, if you’ve yet to add it to your vegetable selection, now is the time.

This recipe is ever so easy to prepare as only the roasting time that demands your patience. Shop for the freshest cauliflower heads you can find and toss in the flavorful marinade then let the oven heat do its magic transforming this veggie into a wonderful flavor-rich side dish.

Any color of cauliflower will be fine whether it’s the white, green, or orange options the grocers carry. For all of those out there believing they don’t like vegetables, my thoughts are you simply haven’t liked the way they were prepared. Give your veggies flavor with interesting seasoning and try roasting. You will most likely be very pleasantly surprised.

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