My far.

In March of 2007, I began to document my journey from eating processed foods to raw (“live”- plants, nuts, fruit) foods. It started out as a way to document and share my thoughts, experiences, and the lessons I learned. My transition was motivated initially by the desire to look fit for my modeling career. I was an ethical vegan beforehand, but after coming upon a book about raw foods, I decided to try it for 2 weeks. Aside from seeing physical changes almost immediately, I also experienced profound bursts of energy, happiness, and mental clarity. A sudden vibrancy swept over me, and I became convinced through my own experience and further research that eating raw/living foods is the way human beings should eat and live. Ive gone through the ups and downs of raw foods and I hope to share my experiences in order to make it easier for others that are just beginning their own journey.
In the past year I have branched out of the raw-vegan paradigm and now include high quality, sustainably-raised animal products such as pastured eggs and kefir from grass-fed cows and goats. The work of Dr. Weston Price, Daniel Vitalis, in addition to my own observations, led me to the conclusion that I should experiment more. Human vegans will protest, (and have) but the reasonings are usually based on factory-farming mentalities and that 99% of the western population is eating very poor-quality animal products - and far too much of it as well. Best to keep an open mind (while supporting ethical farming practices of course). As for my modeling career, I have worked with companies such as Hugo Boss, Target, Macy’s, Tommy Hilfiger, JcPenney, Kohls, Gillette, Acura, and Paul Mitchell.
Though I enjoy this work because of the free time to pursue my interests, my true passion is spreading ideas and awareness about sustainable living and the growing of Paradise on Earth. I like to think that I have come to this planet at this time to learn and help others see the benefits of this way for living one's life. Modeling has given me the income to build my forest garden and travel the world, but I know that I am truly on this Earth to Replant Paradise.
I created a self-sustainable home and organic garden/food forest in Minnesota where I am growing over 500 kinds of fruits and vegetables, including many species suited to warmer climates in my dome greenhouse. I've also focused on growing many wild varieties as well. I hope that others will take this model and apply it to their suburban homes to become more self-reliant, and not only enjoy the benefits of eating a more local and cleaner diet, but also reaping the spiritual benefits of reconnecting with nature and the cycles and seasons of life. I have also created a desert food forest in Phoenix, Arizona and have helped with the design of many others.
I am now starting an organization called "Grow Paradise". It will spread the joys of the garden lifestyle, promote permaculture and food forests, as well as encourage us to eat greener and support organic growers and retailers.
Because of my years of experience, I am available for consultations and design on permaculture gardens and food forests. Please email me at to discuss your ideas and projects. If you have ideas for BIG projects, lets talk. The time is NOW. The Earth and Humanity NEEDS food forests. They are what will heal the earth and feed humanity at the same time.
I love to spend time in nature while hiking, camping, and wild food foraging. I read as much as possible, and am always listening to interviews on Coast to Coast AM,, and many others.
Besides, you can find me as a contributing writer on The Huffington Post,, Gliving, and WelikeitRaw.
All of my videos can be found on Youtube. Please enjoy and share these videos to help spread some inspiration and information! This is the goal...spread the organic garden/food forest idea and show how it will completely benefit ALL OF US.
When the cities and suburbs become lush food forests, wage slavery is ended, and we have the right to explore consciousness in any way we feel without hurting others, I will be satisfied.
Thank you so much for visiting, and I wish you well on your path. You are here for a reason...spread the light and start being the source of your own adventure and happiness. And plant a fruit tree for heaven's sake.
-Anthony Anderson