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Protein-Kick Mousse

Spring is here and that means weather will be warming up and it's time to work on our Beach Bodies! But that work should taste good with something cold and creamy like this Protein Kick Mousse!

There is something about dipping a spoon into a creamy frozen chocolate treat that transports me to a hot summer’s day. This blended creamsicle instead transports me across the finish line, up a mountain, out past the breakers and anywhere else I might want to go.

This protein mousse is full of benefits!

Benefits of Black Beans

Black beans are full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein, and fiber that are essential for healthy living. They have been shown to have the highest levels of antioxidants amongst all the common beans as well as high levels of potassium, calcium, selenium, and magnesium. These help lower blood pressure, ward off heart disease, prevent cancer, protect against inflammation, and keep blood sugar levels stable. Black beans are also great for promoting healthy weight loss: their high fiber and high protein content leaves you feeling fuller longer and provides long-lasting energy.

Benefits of Cocoa Powder

Theobroma cocoa, the name of the plant from which raw cocoa is made, literally means “food of the gods.” Organic raw cocoa has been found to have the highest concentration of antioxidants of any food. It has been proven to help fight cancer, heart disease, and aging due to its abundance of antioxidants. It also has been found to increase blood flow to the arteries, lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of stroke and blood clots, and boost cognitive performance. Cocoa also contains the substance phenethylamine, which acts as a mood elevator and natural antidepressant. There are also a wide array of chemicals in cocoa that cause euphoria, including serotonin, tyramine, and anandamide.

Benefits of Raspberries

Raspberries are packed with a unique assortment of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, dietary fiber, and water. Consuming raspberries helps prevent damage from free radicals while increasing immunity, improving eye vision, reducing inflammation and the severity of arthritis.

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