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The Power of Enzyme Therapy

You've probably heard that enzymes are important to your body. Now learn what that actually means and how you can protect your enzymes.

enzymes_vegetables_picIf you have been involved in the health food world for a little while, chances are good that you have heard about enzymes. It has become a common term to describe a type of natural supplement or a very important part of the raw food diet. The truth about what enzymes are and what they do in the body is far more remarkable than most people understand. Enzymes are often touted for helping digestion, especially after a meal that has been cooked. Often times, this is as far as education on the subject goes. The truth is, only one of the roles enzymes carry out is the break down process of food, where in which there are selective enzymes that carry out this process. This role is reserved for specific enzymes such as amylase, lipase, cellulase, proteinase, and others. There are thousands of enzymes in the human body, and out of all the biological functions they carry out, digestion is the very last function of their design.

The role of enzymes is truly about healing every nook and cranny of the body. Every function we carry out requires an enzymatic ignition. If we lose our enzyme reserves through a depletion of enzymes over the years, we lose our ability to perform basic human functions, let alone heal our body as quickly as we did when we were younger. The reason a child is able to heal much more rapidly than an adult is because they have a fresher storage bank of life supporting enzymes. This is also why someone can digest a diversity of foods, even in bad combinations, and why someone else simply cannot. They lack the production and stored digestive enzymes that would readily break down that food as soon as it entered into the digestive system.

What happens to us over time is that we burn through our enzyme currency through poor diet, excessive exercise, lack of sleep, excessive stimulants, conventional animal foods, contaminated water, and overall stress. Our bodies contain life enzymes or metabolic/systemic enzymes that work to path up torn fibers, muscle tissue, tendons, blood clots, protein deposits, calcium deposits, cardiovascular and plaque. When we overburden the body with indigestible foods, we create what’s called an impaction in the intestinal tubing. Because of our diets, almost all the protein-based enzymes that would normally be in charge of healing wear and tear in our bodies is now forced to focus on unprocessed food in the digestive tract. This is the primary way that humans in the modern world are burning through their enzymes stores. raspberries_oat_bowl_spoon_picThis ends up leading to accelerating aging markers such as lack of mobility and flexibility, hardened muscles, leathery skin, skin-fiber damage, wrinkles, dehydrated skin, varicose veins, and basically anything else we would associate with aging.

It is highly recommended to consume a diet of fresh water-rich fruits, green leafy vegetables, soaked nuts, seeds, seaweeds, herbs, super foods, and natural supplements. Remember raw living foods contain enzymes but they do not donate their own enzymes to our bodies. They simply retain their natural enzymes required for their own life cycle and make it much easier to process in the human body. When food is missing their own inherent enzymes we are forced to draw from our inborn enzyme reserves to compensate. Making high grade enzyme supplements a part of everyone’s daily ritual is a great idea. I recommend doing 10–20 high proteolytic enzymes on an empty stomach in the morning for maximum benefit.

Consider this excerpt from my book The Inner Alchemy Youthening Program:

“It has been estimated by the American Nutrition Association that approximately 107,000 patients are hospitalized annually for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDS). The New England Journal of Medicine in June 1999 stated “It has been estimated conservatively that 16,500 NSAID-related deaths occur among patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis every year in the United States”. Of all the NSAID injuries GI (Gastrointestinal) hemorrhaging ranks as the most common in association with liver failure, kidney failure, and severe dehydration. This is a massively unnecessary risk to take for something that may be as simple as medium to high dosages of systemic enzymes and water rich fruits, vegetables, and super foods."

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