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Music and Health

Feel free to hum along and tap your feet to the beat of good health. That’s right. Music can help you be healthy.

A number of years ago, I was on a long jog wearing my Walkman radio for the first time. It was large and cumbersome by today’s standards, but I wanted to try it out, and the music was pleasant. I was in my last mile and really struggling with fatigue and just hoped I could make it home without collapsing. Just then, on came the theme song from the movie Chariots of Fire. As I continued to run, I couldn’t believe it, but something magical occurred. I felt renewed energy coursing through my body and unknown strength exploding into my legs. The pain and fatigue I had been experiencing virtually disappeared, and I literally sprinted the rest of the way on winged feet (well the feet weren’t literally winged, but I did literally sprint). What had happened? Where had this miraculous second wind come from? Could I purchase more of it in a bottle? The answer then came to me: it was the music.

Music is not just a pleasant, time-passing experience. There is real power in it. Not all music is the same, and of course, each of us is unique in how we are affected. Whether as part of a movie or on its own, music conjures up emotional and physical feelings that can range from spiritual to fun, soothing to full of mystery, joy or even fright. And, as I experienced, it can even increase athletic performance.

There have been a huge number of scientific studies and research to determine the impact of music and how it works. So, first of all, let’s take a look at how music influences our lives. The latest studies divide benefits into the five main categories of reducing stress, boosting immunity, managing pain, improving exercise, and influencing mood.


A university study in Taiwan found that the participants in their trials not only felt calmer when listening to soothing music but also demonstrated lower blood cortisol levels, lower blood pressure, and slower heart rate. Certain types of music are as effective in inducing relaxation and even sleep as taking a Valium; all this without the side effects that normally accompany anti-anxiety medication.


In reviewing the data from research literature, it was found that music stimulates a neurochemical mechanism that causes an increase in certain antibodies, as well as stimulating killer cells that attack foreign microbes and bacteria. Is it possible that listening to Adele or Michael Bublé is as important to your health as your physician? A Brigham Young University study found that teenagers with ADHD who listened to forty minutes of classical music three times a week displayed improved brain waves and were able to focus on the task at hand for extended periods of time.

Managing Pain

The mechanism by which music decreases pain seems to be through the neurochemical influence coupled with the fact that it also diverts the person’s attention elsewhere. It is so effective that music therapy is now regularly employed in surgical, dental, and rehab settings. It has effectively helped mitigate pain in everything from childbirth to cancer and even burn treatment; again, all with no side effects.

Encouraging exercise and increasing performance – My personal experience supports research findings that music motivates you to workout harder and stay at it longer. One British study actually found that music increased endurance by up to 15% while increasing energy and decreasing the perception of exertion. It also helps to diminish those pregame-jitters; all without performance-enhancing drugs.


Science has now confirmed that music really can tame the wild beast and change our moods. It has the power to stir our emotions and spark our memories. Who has not experienced deep feelings of patriotism, found themselves lost in nostalgia, or got their romance on, all triggered by music?

Generally, faster, more upbeat music increases alertness and ignites our exercising, whereas slower, softer is more suited for relaxation, and de-stressing. Individual preference and experience will dictate whether you are attracted more to country, rap, or classical. So now you know that there is real science behind bugles, drums, and bagpipes marching soldiers into battle, harp-playing angels, and your mom singing you a lullaby when it was time to go to sleep. And knowing is half the battle to finding your own jam.

A great way to get you going on resolutions is joining our fitness challenge!

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