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Green Smoothie Bowl

Keeping it real, keeping it green with this green smoothie bowl filled with all things tasty and nutritious!

Leprechauns, green shakes, pots of gold, and rainbows! Sounds familiar? It’s St. Patrick’s Day, of course! We decided to come up with a super green smoothie bowl to celebrate this fun and festive holiday. We snuck in lots of healthy greens to give this smoothie bowl a kick of protein, nutrients, and vitamins. Most people assume vegans lack protein in their diets, but there is an abundance of plant-based protein in the plants and vegetables that we consume.

There are many sources of plant-based protein that come naturally from the earth. Even if you are not plant based, adopting a one-day-a-week vegan diet can help regulate your digestive system. The fun thing about plant-based diets is that you can paint your dinner plate with a rainbow of vegetables, grains, nuts, and beans. Since our bodies can only metabolize a certain amount of protein per serving, we actually don’t need as much as we think we do! We can utilize the power of snacking during the day to acquire protein as well as at meals.

Quinoa is an amazing source of plant-based energy at 8 grams per cup. Green peas and artichokes both have close to 8 grams of protein. Hemp seeds pack 17 grams of protein for four tablespoons. There is hardly any weight to these little seeds which makes them very easy for your stomach to digest. Chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, and walnuts have a high concentrations of protein. The highest protein vegetables are peas, spinach, kale, broccoli, sprouts, artichokes, edamame, and lentils.

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