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Gracious Living Chocolate Turmeric Smoothie

Reduce inflammation, relieve joint pain, and enjoy other health benefits, this chocolate turmeric smoothie is a good companion to the apple a day habit!

Yes, I did say turmeric in your smoothie! Fresh turmeric is so healthy and helpful for reducing inflammation. I am always thinking of new, creative ways to use turmeric than solely in curries or savory dishes. (It has an earthy taste, so it can overpower the flavor of recipes if not combined with other foods in a balanced way). I discovered that when you add turmeric to a healthy, raw chocolate smoothie or chocolate dessert, the dominant taste of the chocolate hides the earthy turmeric taste. Hooray! I love a great tasting smoothie that has the hidden healing powers of fresh food from the earth, such as this one that has turmeric, spinach, and zucchini in it. Don’t be weirded out by this one until you try it! It sounds odd, but it’s simply delicious. And it will make you feel so good!

Many people don’t know what fresh turmeric looks like. It looks similar to ginger, except it is a little smaller in size, and the inside is a bright orange or yellow. It will be in the fresh veggie section, so ask your supermarket for help when trying to locate it. Fresh turmeric is known to have cancer fighting abilities. A must for anyone trying to heal cancer or going through chemotherapy. A must for anyone trying to keep their immune system robust and strong.

Without further delay, may I present to you a delicious and creamy, anti-inflammatory, magnesium-rich, nutrient dense, energizing, and healing, raw, vegan smoothie to knock your chocolate socks off!

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