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Food and Nesting: Preparing for Birth


Photo credit Angela Hubbard Photography

7 months pregnant and the nesting has begun!

eco_friendly_caboo_paper_picWhen I was in my “go, go, go” mode, I was buying lunch and dinner out at restaurants constantly. Now I’m in a much slower mode, which means a lot of eating at home and starting to prep for the future little man that will be in my house shortly.

I stocked up on everything from cleaning supplies to environmentally friendly home products like Caboo paper!

One of my favorite things to make is a raw granola jar! If you haven’t ever tried them, you need to. They’re so delicious. I got the colorful_breakfast_granola_fruit_almonds_picrecipe from one of my favorite local raw food buddies @vivianthom. She taught me how to prep these jars with raw granola, chia seeds, buckwheat, goji berries, and hemp seeds. You just leave them in your cupboard, and the night before you plan to eat them, shake them up with some almond milk. The next day you have a juicy cereal that is so good for you!

I added some homemade almond milk, soaked chopped almonds, shredded coconut, and berries for a delicious breakfast. It’s unreal and so yummy. It’s a perfect, vegan way to start the day (only if I don’t start with my smoothie of course).

If I don’t have time to prep all that, a good alternative is having some raw granola on hand. Throw in some almond milk and fresh berries! Easy-peasey.


vegan_soup_and_sandwich_picLunch at home is still a skill that I’m learning to craft. I require a little help from my raw foodie friends around town.

This is a soup and sandwich from one of my favorite vegan eateries, Golden Aura.

Sometimes you just got to get food to go and get cozy! I’m not ready to dehydrate my own bread yet . . . maybe that’s next on my list??

Here is a lunch from another favorite vegan eatery in Vancouver,


I love their heart plates. That’s really the point, learning to eat even more mindfully, with care and love for the little being in my belly!


(Photo credit Angela Hubbard Photography)

With all that being said, any pregnant woman can verify that the drive to nest and prep for their baby’s arrival is a REAL thing.



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