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Emotional Eating

Comfort foods ease us through breakups, rainy days, or bouts of depression and loneliness. As a very occasional thing, this isn’t really a problem. However, frequent reliance on comfort foods might signal emotional eating.

What is Emotional Eating?

Emotional eating means consuming foods for reasons other than hunger. It often occurs due to stress, boredom, loneliness, or other emotional states, and can become a habit if not addressed.

Causes of Emotional Eating

Emotional eating is often triggered by negative emotions such as:

  • Stress, anxiety, or frustration
  • Poor self-esteem or loneliness
  • Interpersonal relationship issues
  • External factors like work stress, financial problems, or lack of physical activity

What are the signs of emotional eating?

To understand if you’re an emotional eater, consider the following:

  • True hunger develops gradually, while emotional hunger is sudden.
  • Emotional hunger often craves specific comfort foods.
  • Emotional hunger may leave feelings of guilt after eating.

How to Overcome Emotional Eating

  1. Recognize the Problem: The first step is acknowledging that emotional eating is affecting you.
  2. Identify Triggers: Keep a food journal to track your emotions when eating. Recognizing patterns can help you avoid triggers.
  3. Manage Stress: Practice stress-relieving activities like yoga, meditation, or breathing exercises to manage negative emotions.

Fight Boredom to Control Eating

Boredom is a common trigger for emotional eating. Keep a list of activities you enjoy, such as reading, walking, or listening to music, and turn to these activities when feeling idle.

Substitute with Healthier Comfort Foods

You don’t need to cut out comfort foods entirely. Try healthier alternatives:

  • Fruits and vegetables for sweet cravings
  • Nuts and seeds for salty cravings
  • Dark chocolate in moderation

Tips for Overcoming Emotional Eating

Stress eating

Eating during stress is not just bad for your waistline, but creates havoc in your system. When stressed, your body has less ability to absorb nutrients and your immune system is generally weakened.


If you are stressed, go for a walk or a run. You will find that you feel better and avoided contributing to a bad habit.

Slowly work on replacing your comfort foods.

If your comfort food is brownies, find an alternative that has a similar flavor but without all the processed sugars and fats. If you are feel you must eat, then get a juice or a protein bar rather than eating a box of pizza.


For centuries, people have sworn by the benefits of meditation. Meditation definitely doesn’t work overnight, but, it does work eventually. It helps you deal with your emotions without reacting to them. It is a way for you to face reality, face your emotions, and face yourself. Facing the real you is a gift, so don’t eat that away.


This term is a bit looked down upon. You don’t become a crazy person if you go to therapy. It’s quite the opposite. It is important for you to be able to talk to someone and be heard. Some of us may be going through hard times in life, and it’s important to reach out to an unbiased professional expert who can keep you grounded and sane. Don’t be afraid of this option. What matters is you, not others’ opinions.


Humans are meant to be loved, nurtured, and feel connected. We may be great at showing love to our partners, parents, friends, dogs and the neighbor down the road. But we may feel insecurity, hatred and remorse towards ourselves. We may hate our bodies and just everything about us. But those feelings are self-destructive.

You need to slowly practice the art of accepting yourself and embracing all your good and bad qualities. Because, there is just one person like you. Love yourself, and that’s the best gift you can give yourself and to others.

Eating is not just about taste. It is about your relationship with yourself that is reflected in your eating habits. You are not just what you eat, you are also how you eat.

Remind yourself of your worth. You are unique and valuable, beyond external factors like appearance or material success.

Seek Help When Needed

If emotional eating is a persistent issue, consider reaching out for support. This might involve professional counseling, support groups, or relying on family and friends for encouragement.

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