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Colorful Spring Salad

Let your food match your fabulous! Spring is here, let’s celebrate with this colorful spring salad!

Spring is a great time of the year. Spring is full of colors, the flowers blooming all over, and the grass turning a bright green. It just made sense to make this delicious, colorful salad as springtime approaches!

The health benefits of coconut oil are tremendous! Adding coconut oil to your diet is a wonderful way to increase the amount of healthy fats in your diet. It can lower your cholesterol, lower your blood pressure, it’s higher in antioxidants, and a good source of medium chain fatty acids.

The health benefits of spaghetti squash are that they aid in weight loss, they’re good for eye health, are high in antioxidants, and are full of Vitamin A and C.

The health benefits of sweet potatoes are that they are full of Vitamin A, high in antioxidants, good in controlling blood sugar, maintain energy, lower stress, and help the immunity system.

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