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Aloe Vera: A Miracle Healing Food

Aloe vera is one of the few herbal medicines widely used in Western society. From healing skin to reversing leaky gut symptoms, this herb is a miracle.

Aloe Vera_red bowl_picAloe is actually an herb and one of the most amazing plants in nature. In fact, the manufacturing of Aloe vera extracts is one of the largest botanical industries worldwide, and for good reason. It’s no ordinary health food; it’s a miracle. This true holistic food is a genuine cure–all if I may. The health benefits of this plant are seemingly endless, which we will get to in a moment.

The plant itself demonstrates impressive properties. When in the ground, it lasts almost indefinitely. Even when cut from its source, the cuts store for months before going bad. Extraordinarily, once you cut it, the plant heals itself! No wonder the Egyptians refer it to as the herb of immortality.

Aloe is a very intelligent plant, it can tell the difference between normal cells and mutated cells, viruses, and infections, which it then keeps from spreading. It's even used in the treatment of genital herpes and AIDS. (1)

The Many Healing Benefits of Aloe

While scientists are still discovering the benefits and mysteries of this food, we do know aloe is capable of a number of things. (2)

Aiding in the removal of bacterial, viral, and fungal activities

Aloe destroys bad bacteria more effectively than any other hypoallergenic plant known. It also is useful for viral infections such as candida and parasite infections.

Relieving chronic disorders

aloe vera_woman_face_cleanse_picSymptoms of chronic problems such as fatigue syndromes, fibromyalgia, allergies, arthritis, and skin conditions like eczema and psoriasis can be exhausting to handle. Aloe eases those symptoms.


Aloe eliminates toxic wastes, has EFAs, and is a powerful anti-inflammatory that helps stomach and colon, which it helps clean. Aloe aids every part of the body in cleansing itself.


Aloe is especially alkalizing in the digestive system, which helps over acid conditions like indigestion, acid reflux, IBS, colitis, Crohn's disease and ulcers–it reduces ulcers by 80%!

Healthy cholesterol

Hepatic cholesterol increases as we age; however, this doesn’t have to be the case. Life-long dietary consumption of aloe suppresses free radical-induced oxidative damage and age-related increases in hepatic cholesterol up to 30% more than for those who do not consume it. A life-long intake of aloe results in superior anti-oxidative action against lipid peroxidation in vivo, as indicated by reduced levels of hepatic phosphatidylcholine hydroperoxide. (3)

Smoothing over diabetes

Aloe vera is a traditional remedy for diabetes mellitus. Some evidence in humans and animals suggests that Aloe vera is able to alleviate the chronic hyperglycemia and perturbed lipid profile that are characteristic of individuals with Diabetes, which are major risk factors for cardiovascular complications in the disease. The consumption of aloe gel has been shown to lower fasting blood glucose levels.

Repairing skin damage

aloe vera_burn_woman_smile_picSome have called aloe the miracle skin stuff. It's rich in organic silicon and helps make strong cell and artery walls, mucous membranes, and the connective tissues of bones and cartilage, while healing skin cancers, hemorrhoids and varicose veins. It works on every level to heal the skin. Taken internally, it gets to the root, detoxifying the liver and digestive system, balancing hormones, and healing infections. Apply the gel to your skin for wrinkles, pimples, burns, and flakey or dry skin.

Easing inflammation

Preparations of aloe vera are widely promoted for the treatment of inflammatory gastrointestinal disorders, including ulcers and inflammatory bowel disease. It also contains naturally occurring ‘aspirin-like’ salicylic acid, making it great for treating inflammation-induced pain and aches. Consumption of 100 mL of Aloe vera gel found to not only improve inflammatory conditions but to sometimes put those conditions into remission.

Aiding in digestion

Aloe is commonly used in the treatment of constipation. It’s laxative effect is due to the presence of anthraquinone glycosides found in Aloe vera latex. In studies, subjects with chronic constipation used a novel preparation containing Aloe vera, celandine, and psyllium, and found it to improve a range of constipation indicators. It is also effective in treating colic, colitis, constipation, and acid indigestion. Aloe is a mucilage, which creates a protective coating around the small intestine when consumed. This makes it wonderful for issues like leaky gut and helps even for those who have removed gallbladders. Consuming aloe with meals will prevent large amounts of bile from burning or irritating the intestinal wall.

In addition to these qualities, aloe has all kinds of natural steroids, amino acids, minerals, enzymes, and loads of nutrition, making it a wonderful food to eat.

How to Take Aloe

aloe_vera_picThere are many ways to take aloe. Put it on your skin, and it goes right into the blood stream getting to work. You can also consume it for internal benefits and beauty from within. I like to slice some up and add it to smoothies; you can’t even taste it.

Fresh is always best. You can find leaves of aloe at most natural grocers. If you can’t find it in a store you can order it fresh/frozen or purchase the gel or juice. Just look for something organic containing the inner filet and no additives maybe aside from a natural preservative like lemon juice or vitamin C.

Learn about more benefits of aloe!

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