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Air, Water, and Sunshine for Pure Nourishment

Do we have to sacrifice our health or that of the environment for the sake of the other? More and more people are asking themselves how they can make choices that benefit their health and are more natural and environmentally sound.

With so many factors involved, it can be tough to know which changes are most important for our health and which will have the biggest benefits for the environment. The great news is that what is good for the body is also good for our environment.

Here are 5 simple tips you can incorporate right away to help you improve your health while also preserving our air and water and safely enjoying our sunshine.

1. Use plants

home_plants_airy_sunshine_bookshelf_relax_happy_picIndoor air is two to ten times more polluted than outdoor air from carpets, building materials, furnishings, cleaning products, perfumes, and computer hardware materials such as printing ink. Plants are excellent decorations that can be used to help purify the air. Plants produce fresh air and oxygen, reduce carbon dioxide, and reduce airborne bacteria and mold, just to name a few. It is best to research which plants to use and how to use them so you gain the most benefits and avoid any negative side effects.

2. Use glass instead of plastic bottles

As we know, plastic does not naturally decompose in a landfill. In addition, their production and processing require the use of many toxic chemicals. Aside from the environmental impact, we need not forget about the impact plastics have on our health. For example: one of the by-products that arise during the manufacture of plastics and other synthetic materials are zeno-estrogens that can cause unbalanced estrogen levels.

Zeno-estrogens have been known to increase the risk of breast and uterine cancer, weight gain, salt and fluid retention, high blood pressure, depression, and headaches, as well as interfere with thyroid hormones, greatly increase the risk of stroke, decrease libido, and hamper control of healthy blood sugar levels and fatigue.

Instead, reuse tall glass water bottles such as Evian or Voss. After filling with filtered water, place bottles in a wine cooler bag, which has a strap for easy carrying. Additionally, you can use a wide mouth mason jar for smoothies and green juices.

3. Green Cleaning

girl_child_clean_sunshine_window_kitchen_sink_dress_cute_picEvery home should be a safe haven. However, we store most commercial cleaning agents under the kitchen sink. Cleaning agents irritate our skin and can cause allergic reactions. The primary ingredients of commercial soaps and cleaners are oil-derived phosphates that do not break down and end up in our freshwater and oceans. These agents are full of poisons and place our personal and planetary health at risk.

By using “green” soaps and cleaners that are plant-based, fully bio-degradable, and gentle on the skin, we can help sustain the future of our planet. The following are three ingredients you do not want to be without.

  • Baking Soda
  • Vinegar
  • Plant-based liquid soaps

Mixed with a little bit of water, these ingredients can clean almost any surface.

4. Buy Organic

11 benefits to buying more organic fruits and vegetables:

  • Organic farming meets the needs of the present without compromising the needs of future generations.
  • Growing organically supports a biologically diverse, healthy environment.
  • Organic farming practices help protect our water resources.
  • Organic agriculture increases the land's productivity.
  • Organic production limits toxic and long-lasting chemicals in our environment.
  • Buying organic supports small and independent family farms.
  • Organic farmers are less reliant on non-renewable fossil fuels.
  • Organic products meet stringent USDA standards.
  • Buying organic is a direct investment in the long-term future of our planet.
  • Organic farmers preserve the diversity of plant species.
  • Organic food often tastes better!

5. Take in some sunshine

man_reading_book_sunny_day_grass_warm_relax_picAlthough it appears as if the ozone layer may currently be on the mend, too much unprotected exposure to sunshine may not be wise.However, our bodies require vitamin D to fight off viruses, bacteria, fungus, and many other ailments known to humans. Throughout history, the main source of vitamin D has come from safe exposure to the sun. It is important to make an effort to get sunshine on a daily basis. Enjoy the sun responsibly. Use natural sunscreen and wear proper clothing that helps limit the sun rays.

As you can see, these 5 tips are quick and economical. Incorporating them into your lifestyle will keep you healthy and working in harmony with Mother Nature.

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