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6 Steps to Staying Healthy on a Budget

Eating healthy isn’t just a trend for the rich and famous. Everyone can eat healthy, even on a budget, if they follow the right steps, and you aren’t the exception!

Eating healthy is not just a fashion statement or a fad diet. It’s a way of living. It’s important that every person has the right to access good health with clean, organic food and water. However, despite our advancements, that’s still not the case. We have something called the “rich man’s diet,” packed with butter, bread, fatty saturated oils, and more, and the “poor man’s diet,” which is simply fruits, dal, and rice.

This vast difference makes us realize that knowledge of good health is not about being rich or poor, educated or uneducated. It simply boils down to simplicity. Living a simple life opens your eyes to a different way of living—mostly a healthy one!

With that said, people believe staying healthy is very expensive for anyone. Purchasing organic foods, superfoods, organic lentils, and more can break your wallet for the month. Due to this reason, people resort to eating value meals, junk food, and even protein bars. Staying healthy need not be expensive, and it won’t be anymore if you follow these guidelines.

1. Create a Plan

The first and most important step in starting a healthy lifestyle is to create a plan. Figure out what your diet is: vegetarian, paleo, Ayurveda, etc. Then figure out what your cravings are: pizza, chocolate, fries, etc.

Once you know what your diet and cravings are, transforming your lifestyle will be easier and you will be able to focus on your budget a bit better.

2. Farmers’ Market

Drop by the farmers’ market instead of visiting big grocery chains and boutique markets. You can purchase most of your produce at a much lower price. You’ll not just support your budget, you’ll support your local farmers and the organic movement, and you would actually know where your food comes from!

3. Order in Bulk

Buying products in bulk are way cheaper than buying small packets. You can buy rice, legumes, and other grains in bulk at a considerably low cost. This would not just decrease your grocery store visits, it would allow you to cook larger portions for the week and save money.

4. Grow Your Own Food

If you have a garden, or even a small window shelf, you can grow anything you want. You can start with a simple mint plant and go up to a papaya tree. You can grow your own food under your own roof. This approach boosts your creativity and creates a sense of accomplishment and gratitude for what you consume every day and, of course, saves money.

5. Store Your Food Right

Most of our food waste is caused by setting wrong temperature in the refrigerator or not using the produce quickly. You’d be surprised by the amount of food found in garbage cans; it’s equivalent to feeding your family for two years!

Store your produce in a reusable green bag; it keeps the produce fresh longer by preventing quick oxidization. You can also freeze your fruits, meat, and bread if they are not going to be used immediately.

6. Avoid Junk Food

junk food_healthy food_choice_fast food_picLast but not least, eating foods that are not natural and are processed won’t just increase your expenses, but will increase your health risks. Avoid buying canned foods, aerated drinks, and other products that may break your bank. Eating natural, clean food can do you and your budget a big favor.

You can always make your own version of junk food. For example, make your own chocolate pudding using avocado and cacao powder, or instead of drinking coke, you can drink carbonated water with palm sugar, coffee, or your favorite natural flavor.

Staying healthy at any given budget is possible. What really counts is your attitude. Stay determined. Stay healthy. - Smriti Kirubanandan

Need recipes to go with your desire to eat healthy? Give one of these a try!

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