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4 Amazing Spices to Improve Your Dish and Your Health!

These spices are loved in numerous recipes, but did you know how good they are for you? Add a few in to your homemade dishes today!

turmeric_yellow_gold_spice_curry_picI find spices to be mysterious. There are hundreds of them—some simple, some mixed—and they come from different parts of the world. They have a unique color, smell, and taste. And what’s really mysterious about spice is that their effect on food changes proportionally to time. If you add too much of a spice, it may “bloom” after a while, meaning the taste would be stronger and probably bitter. However, as tricky as they are, they have some amazing benefits for your health.

Here are some of my favorite spices to add to your daily smoothie, juices, and cooking, and to use even on your body!


This is one of India’s favorite spices. They have been using this spice for over a thousand years in Ayurvedic cooking and more. Turmeric is well known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties deriving from its component curcumin.

According to various studies, turmeric has been known to prevent the growth of cancer cells and help build a stronger immune system. Adding a teaspoon of turmeric to your smoothie or juicing a piece of turmeric root is powerful and delicious.


Clove (and clove oil too) is another powerful spice used all around the world. It’s best known for numbing pain and for the antibacterial properties deriving from its active component eugenol. Cloves are known to protect the body from digestive issues and parasite problems, and overall helps to detox your body.

You can chew on a few cloves or add some to your smoothie. Or simply apply clove oil on your teeth and gums.


Cinnamon in your hot chocolate or coffee or smoothie or anything! What an amazing smell. Smells like Christmas! Cinnamon is a well-known spice, but its nutritional benefits are even better. Cinnamon is known to heal your digestive system by killing harmful bacteria and allowing the digestive juices to flow. They are also known to treat depression, prevent mood swings during PMS, and boost your health overall.

Using a pinch of it or even drinking a warm cinnamon leaf tea can do wonders for your mind, body, and soul.


Sweet, elegant, and aromatic cardamom has made its way all around the world from India. Mainly used in Indian tea or Chai, it can now be used in your smoothies, deserts, salads, and more. You can simply use cardamom pod and ground them or blend them.

Cardamom is known to be a powerful anti-viral, reduce blood pressure, act as a natural diuretic, and also be a powerful anti-spasmodic—it helps to reduce hiccups and prevent muscle spasms by eliminating lactic acid and relaxing the nervous system. Last, but not least, it is known to be a great aphrodisiac and heals erectile dysfunction and impotence.

Spice your food. Spice your life!

Now get some recipes with cinnamon!

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