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3 Ways to Sneak Greens into Your Diet

Ever see a kid twist her face or stick out his tongue when confronted with a plate of spinach? Here are 3 ways to hide greens and get grins!

Healthinista, fitness trainer, and health expert, Marzia Prince, is styling your taste buds with greens, without you even knowing what she’s doing; she’s sneaky like that. Today is all about hiding your greens, sneaking them into your food, and the food you feed your loved ones, in fun, creative ways.

Here are Marzia’s top three tips to sneak your greens. A fruit smoothie is her first tip. You can easily hide a handful of greens in a fruit smoothie, letting the berries, bananas, mango, kiwi, or other fruit do the job of masking the flavor. Spinach and even the more bitter kale disappear into a fruit smoothie easily.

Her second tip is to go for a juice. You can juice greens to get all the nutrients and benefits with a sweet flavor. You just have to juice apples right after the greens to make a green juice that tastes way more amazing than it looks. Don’t forget the cucumber and ginger to hydrate and spice things up.

The third tip is to give Sunwarrior’s Supergreens a try. It can be mixed into smoothies, juice, and even sauces if you use the natural flavor.

How do you sneak your greens in for yourself and your loved ones?

Learn more about greens from a neuropathic perspective!"

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