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12 Natural Tips to Beat the Bloat

Ever feel the discomfort of bloating? Here are twelve easy and natural tips to avoiding the nuisance of the bloat that can get in the way of daily activity.

man_hurt_bloat_stomach_hold_arms_picThe uncomfortable, bloated feeling is definitely avoidable if you take care of yourself and avoid trigger foods. Remember that being bloated is different than having extra belly fat. Help avoid this physical discomfort as much as possible with the following tips:

1. Stay Hydrated

If you are dehydrated and then you drink water, you will feel bloated because your body will hold onto the fluid. You should never feel like you’re dehydrated, so make sure that you keep drinking water throughout the day. The Institute of Medicine recommends that women should consume 91 ounces of water each day while men should consume 125 ounces.

2. Drink Peppermint Tea

Peppermint tea reduces inflammation and helps the digestive system. If you drink it after your meals, it will assist with digestion and make you feel less bloated. Peppermint tea is also soothing and calming.

3. Sip on Water with Lemon When You Wake Up

An easy remedy to reduce bloating is to drink a glass of lukewarm water with lemon when you wake up. You are dehydrated when you wake up, as you haven’t had water for many hours. Drinking this glass will help hydrate you and help you with digestion.

4. Watch Out for Food Intolerances, Allergies, and Nutrient Deficiencies

You should get tested for food intolerances, allergies, and nutrient deficiencies if you are always feeling bloated and can’t figure out why. It could be as simple as taking away a food or adding a food for nutrients to your diet.

5. Try Probiotics and Fermented Foods

miso_soybean_soup_tofu_healthy_fermented_picIt is possible that bloating can be caused by an imbalance of bacteria in your gut. To obtain a good balance of bacteria, you should regularly consume fermented foods or probiotics. It is recommended to consume fermented foods instead of probiotics, but, depending on your health conditions, you may need a probiotic supplement. Antibiotics can cause an imbalance of bacteria, so make sure that you consume fermented foods or probiotics after taking an antibiotic. Some top plant-based choices are sauerkraut, kombucha, coconut kefir, and miso.

6. Avoid Diet Products

Sugar-free carbonated drinks, chewing gum, and candies will make you feel gassy and bloated so it is best to avoid them as much as possible. The body cannot digest the sweetener sorbitol in sugar-free products, which leads to bloating as the stomach enzymes are overworking. Thus, always check the label for sorbitol. Replace carbonated drinks with naturally infused water by placing fruit, mint, tea, or vegetables in ice-cold water.

7. Limit Salt

Salt causes your body to retain fluid. Limit your sauces and dressings by putting them on the side as they usually contain the most salt. Try to cook as much as you can at home since restaurants add salt for flavor. When grocery shopping, check the nutrition labels and make sure that there is not more than 500 mg of salt per serving. Try to choose sea salt over table salt.

8. Avoid Constipation

A low-fiber diet, lack of physical activity, or not consuming enough fluids can trigger constipation. Consume more fiber by eating fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, and drink at least eight cups of water per day to help digest the fiber. The natural contraction of intestinal muscles increases with aerobic exercise as your breathing and heart rate is increased which helps avoid constipation.

9. Be Active

friends_mountain_hike_map_happy_adventure_fun_picAfter eating, you shouldn’t plop on the couch, but you should go for a brisk walk for at least ten minutes. This will help air bubbles pass through your digestive tract and make you feel less bloated. To tell the truth, you should be moving regularly to avoid constipation. Dedicate at least thirty minutes, three times a week to exercise moderately to help avoid the bloated stomach.

10. Relax

Your body releases cortisol and adrenaline when you’re stressed or anxious, and these hormones stimulate gas and bloating. To eliminate stress, you should implement meditation or breathing mindfully in your everyday life. Practice these at home by focusing on your breathing for a few minutes each day while avoiding all distractions, or attend a yoga class.

11. Eat Slowly and Chew Your Food

Air can get trapped in your digestion system if you eat too fast or don’t chew your food enough. It takes twenty minutes for your body to digest food, which is how long your meals should be. Put your fork down between bites, avoid all distractions when eating, and eat with others. These methods help you eat slower and give you time to chew your food. Concentrating on only eating will help with the digestion process.

12. Eat Smaller Meals More Frequently

Instead of having three large meals, you should eat frequently throughout the day to allow your body to digest more easily. Five or six small meals should be your daily goal. You will feel more energized and better balance your metabolism and blood sugar levels as well!

Need some tips to help you keep moving? Try these!

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