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Healthy Yummy Squash Pudding | Vegan Recipe

For many, the transition of seasons—from the balmy days of summer to the crisper air and falling leaves of autumn and finally to the stark onset of winter—brings about a complementary shift in cravings. The colder, shortened, and slower paced days often arouse our appetites toward denser, more satisfying foods as our bodies are signaled to store up for the long winter ahead. Of course, we would prefer to have the comforting foods we crave love us back just a bit more by not leaving behind a souvenir or any extra baggage come winter’s end.

Not unlike many seasonal bakers and cooks who welcome the holiday season each year did I recognize the need to create a gratifying and guiltless dessert, and thus set out on a mission when I entered the kitchen to whip up this indulgent treat!

Sure, it may seem decadent, but don’t let your taste buds fool you; with the immune boosting, beta-carotene loaded, and vitamin C filled punch that this flavorful pudding packs, your cells will also be rejoicing for the array of nutrients that come along with this dish. Give it a try, take it to a party, or savor it all to yourself, and leave a comment if you enjoy it as much as I do on a cold winter’s eve.

Without further ado, here’s the step-by-step process of making this tasty dish.

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