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Creamy Lemon or Lime Berry Breakfast Parfait

My dietary approach growing up was the oh-so conventional meat, potatoes, and a vegetable plate as our norm. My mom could stretch a dollar like no one else I know, had a knack for creating great home-made meals including desserts, and ensured our family of eight was always well fed. Her puddings and cream pies were a Sunday tradition.

My definition of “well-fed” changed over the years as I learned more and more about “quality” nutrition. Still, an addiction to cool, creamy sweets was imprinted and continues to inspire me to create alternatives that satisfy those cravings. This citrusy Breakfast Parfait is a perfect alternative to yogurt and cream and can suffice for mousse as a dessert. You can increase the protein in it by adding a scoop of Sunwarrior vanilla protein powder or step it up to a gourmet dessert with a generous splash of liqueur such as Cointreau, Lemoncello, or Framboise.

Greek yogurt! Most believe it’s a truly healthy food choice unaware of the potential health challenges related to dairy consumption such as: digestive challenges, allergies, inflammation, skin disorders, heart disease, and cancer. For a delicious non-dairy alternative that assists with hormonal balance, blend up a batch of this protein-rich, anti-inflammatory creamy mousse. For more surprising insights on dairy, read Whitewash by Dr. Joseph Keon.

Creamy Lemon or Lime Berry Breakfast Parfait

Serves 6 – 8 vegan, gluten free*


  • Two 300 gram packages organic silken tofu, drain well (be sure to choose organic, non-GMO tofu) For a non-soy alternative substitute tofu with 1½ cups raw cashews soaked for 8 hours, drained.
  • 1/3 cup freshly squeezed organic lemon or lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon lemon or lime zest
  • ⅓ to ½ cup raw un-pasteurized liquid honey (or other sweetener), or to taste
  • Organic almond, soy, coconut, or rice milk or coconut water as needed
  • 2 cups mixed berries, fresh or frozen (feel free to add other fruit, like the pineapple below)
  • ½ cup Earth Circle hemp seeds
  • ½ cup granola
  • Cinnamon


Combine tofu (or cashews if using), lemon or lime juice, and honey in a powerful blender, Vita-mix, or food processor and blend until smooth and creamy. Approximately 4–6 minutes. If the mixture is too thick, add a little of the liquid options suggested. Stop and start motor, scraping down sides as needed. Taste and adjust sweetness and consistency adding more honey, lemon juice, or milk if desired. Chill until ready to serve.

Set out parfait glasses or bowls. Arrange layers of berries, hemp seeds, granola and lemon crème. Garnish with a generous dousing of cinnamon and some lemon zest.

*choose a gluten free granola if desired

Additional recipes including diary/soy free crèmes or granola at can be found at

Soy products, such as miso, tofu, natto, and tempeh, contain very weak plant estrogens called phytoestrogens that hinder the body's natural estrogen from attaching to cells. Normally, estrogens hook onto tiny receptor proteins in your cells that allow them to change the cell's chemistry. Plant estrogens do not eliminate all of estrogen's effects, but they do minimize them, apparently reducing breast cancer risk and menstrual symptoms.

In males, the phytoestrogens in soy, when consumed in moderation, do not appear to have any effect on hormone levels and have not been shown to affect sexual development or fertility. Research studies show that men consuming soy have less prostate cancer and better prostate cancer survival. In human research studies, soy products have been shown to lower serum cholesterol levels, in part due to their rich content of soluble fiber, and the isoflavones also play a role in bone formation.

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