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Athena Juice | Raw Vegan Recipe

Post workout nutrition is important. You have a short window to supply your muscles with the protein they need to rebuild and repair. Everyone wonders what to do after a workout and Drew Canole is more than happy to share what he does. His best advice revolves around a drink he based on the Greek goddess of strength, skill, and wisdom, Athena herself.


4 carrots, juiced

3 stalks of celery, juiced

1 scoop Warrior Blend vanilla


Juice the carrots and celery. Combine the juice with the protein powder and blend until smooth. That simple.

This velvety juice is delicious, but also the perfect mix of hydration, carbohydrates, electrolytes, and protein after a workout. Your body is begging for all of these after intense training. Your body is also more capable of absorbing and putting the protein to use with some healthy carbohydrates, like those found in carrots. Even better, the protein in this beverage is complete and balanced, containing all the essential amino acids your post exercise body craves in order to rebuild, repair, and create muscle.


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