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Raw Foods for a Super Hot Summer Bikini Body!

Are you looking to get into shape this summer? It’s that time of year again for shorts, tank tops, and bikinis. And one of the fastest ways to boot your system back into shape and shed some pounds is with raw and living foods.mary_luciano_picRaw and living foods contain the highest levels of key nutrients in the forms of vitamins and minerals, as well as enzymes that are usually destroyed when food is cooked. Consuming these healthy, high-energy foods makes it dramatically easier to achieve the body you’ve always dreamed of.Raw and living foods provide you with natural and healthy choices to help you feel more alive and energetic. Here are some tips to help you kick-start your summer body:

• Have a simple salad on a daily basis. Make one meal a huge hearty salad with a variety of colors—aim for at least six col­ors! Add leafy greens such as spinach, mixed greens, kale, endive, and romaine lettuce. For some added crunch include vegetables like red, green, and yellow peppers, celery, and cucumbers as well as raw nuts and seeds, which will also change the texture. Fruits like strawberries and blueberries can be added to sweeten up the mix. Lastly, add a healthy and tasty dressing.

• Add a fruit or green smoothie any time of the day with or without a protein powder. If you want the added protein boost, try Sun­warrior raw vegan protein powder or a hemp protein. Add flax or chia seeds to make it a complete meal.

• Add at least one type of raw food at each meal.

• Prepare freshly pressed fruit and vegetable juices. If you don’t already have a juicer visit a juice bar in your area.

• Experiment with different fruits and vegetables you have never tried before.

spicy_red_pepper_gazpacho_jason_wrobel_pic• Experiment with a new raw recipe once a week.

• Have fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds as snacks. Adding nuts and seeds can also help you feel more full and satisfied.

• Explore various raw “superfoods” such as goji berries, algae (Spir­ulina, Chlorella, E-3live), and seaweed (nori, arame, wakame, kelp, and dulse).

Incorporating more raw foods into your lifestyle does not have to be complicated; in fact it may even be simpler than what you’re doing right now. Incorporating some or all of these suggestions daily can help you look and feel amazing all summer long.Copyright © 2013 Mary Luciano

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