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Live Life Healthy! Adding a Scoop of Health Every Day!

Life is awesome! Drink it up! Add a scoop of health to your life, whether in reality or metaphorically, now!

Leading a healthy lifestyle is not an easy task. We all want to be healthy; we want our families to be healthy and active starting from our pets to grand parents. But, we sometimes allow ourselves to be slaves to habit, lack of motivation, and fear. Getting on the health bandwagon can be jarring to many as it involves a lot of dedication, effort, energy and, of course, money.

While making excuses is easy, we can do small things every day to get ourselves to a better health—without the excuses. Here are ways you can add a good jolly scoop of health to your life everyday

Good Morning!

For a lot of us, how we start the day sets the tone for the rest of the day and in fact the whole week. Starting your morning with a healthy breakfast can do wonders for you.

You can make your favorite healthy meal as your breakfast. That could mean a warm oatmeal dish with a good generous scoop of your favorite nut butter or a simple, easy, great-tasting protein shake. Keeping things simple can make things fun and easy!

Get Moving!

Staying active or doing anything active can sometimes be a chore. Trust me, for someone who loves being active sometimes the whole idea of driving to a yoga class or to a hike and getting water or a snack ready can really turn me off.

But, that’s no reason to not be active. You can be active in the same spot you are. In between work or during watching TV, you can do twenty jumping jacks every ten minutes, or ten burpees every ten minutes, you could go for a quick walk or do some simple stretches where you are. Staying active doesn’t always mean running a marathon or practice yoga for two hours. Create your own definition. Start with “Get moving!”

More Greens

Incorporating more greens in your diet or your kids’ diet can be a challenge. Because, let’s be honest, kale is bitter, greens have no taste, and they don’t look as appealing as an apple pie.

But, you can make them look appealing! Add some spinach to a coconut milk ice cream and serve it as dessert. Create carrots into noodles using a spiralizer and form a healthy noodle dish. Make a healthy smoothie and give it in an attractive look with a few crumbs of cookies. Creativity is the key to incorporate more greens in your diet.

Stress Management

No matter what you eat or how much you workout, it all feels useless if you are unable to keep your mind clear and open. Life can become hectic, but take twenty to thirty minutes in day to find your calm. Go on a walk, listen to some music, or just sit in silence and appreciate what you have. A few minutes of gratitude and silence can bring a lot of good energy and happiness in you.

Need a recipe for that great-tasting protein drink? Your wish is our command!

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