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How to Not Overeat

The holidays are upon us—that time of year where we give ourselves a pass to overeat. Here is how to revoke that pass by following simple steps that make it easy to not overeat!

We’ve all been there before, for one reason or another, we’ve eaten too much once again and feel fat, sluggish, incredibly full, and a little remorseful of how much we’ve eaten! Even if it’s healthy food we’ve eaten, too much of anything is not a good thing for our bodies!

Overeating is a common struggle for most of us for many reasons. Food is delicious and makes us feel happy and less stressed. Many of us eat too fast and without being mindful, which easily leads to overeating. Many of us eat too much because of boredom or while distracting doing other activities. Many of us eat too much because there’s a lot of it surrounding us and it’s tempting and convenient. There are a number of reasons we tend to get caught overeating, but no matter what the reason, there are some strong tips for helping you to avoid this common problem!

Don’t Let Yourself Get Too Starving

Letting yourself get way too hungry is likely to decrease your amount of self-control, because when you’re starving, you’re much more likely to eat anything in sight, way too fast, and way too much of it! It’s a good idea to always keep at least a little something with you at all times (such as a piece of fruit or raw nuts) to prevent you from becoming entirely famished before your meal. If you eat at frequent intervals, this will also help to avoid getting too hungry. Lastly, make sure not to frequently skip meals.

Don’t Get Dehydrated

Being dehydrated and frequently low on fluids can give us a false sense of hunger and can also cause us to be less full and satisfied from the food we’re eating. You don’t want to chug water with meals, as too much can dilute your digestive juices, but it’s also important to have proper amounts of fluids throughout your day and somewhat with your meals.

Take The Time To Chew!

Chewing your food well is not only a good idea to help your body digest more efficiently, but it also is a great way to make you slow down your eating. Eating slowly gives the body time for the signals to reach the brain that you’re full and satisfied. It also will help you be more mindful while eating and help you to enjoy the process of eating more fully.

Stop When You’re 80% Full

By the time you feel full when you’re eating, you’ve likely already overeaten. It takes time for the brain to register that it’s full. If you stop eating when you’re 80% full, in about 20 minutes you’ll feel more full and satisfied. Bottom line: don’t wait until you feel full to stop eating.

Don’t Pile Your Plate

Often times your eyes (and appetites) are bigger than your stomachs, and if it’s on your plate in front of you, you’re much more likely to eat it all. Put small portions on your plate and know that if you are still truly hungry when you’re plate is empty you can always go back for more.

Keep It Simple

Having an assortment of tastes and flavors presented to you will make you much more likely to overeat than if you only had 1–3 different foods or tastes available at a time. For example, if you have chicken, rice and green beans for dinner, you’re not as likely to overeat as you would if you had chicken, rice, green beans, bread, soup, salad, and dessert.

Keep It Out Of Sight

When food is readily available and within sight, it’s much more difficult to avoid the temptation to eat or to not take little bites. Even these little bites and tastes throughout the course of the day can really add up. Remember, “out of sight, out of mind.”

Don’t Base Celebrations around Food

Many people base celebrations, traditions, and parties around food, and food has also come to be used as a reward for good behavior, successes, stress relief and more. Instead, view food as the powerful tool that it is to replenish and support a healthy body. Rather than basing celebrations and rewards around food, instead base it on other things such as activities.

Eat Quality Food

Poor quality, refined, junk foods lead us to overeat, as they don’t provide the same nourishment and satiety that the body needs. Additionally, many processed foods contain synthetic chemicals that actually cause us to be addicted and trick the brain into thinking it needs more. One of the best ways to avoid overeating is to only consume fresh, real, whole foods.

Short on time in the mornings? Try these fantastic overnight oats!

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