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Deadlift Glute Workout

Trying an alternate workout might be the key to getting the results you want form your glute workout.

When squats, deadlifts, and lunges don’t work your glutes the way you want, what do you do? Well, you don’t give up, that’s for sure. Follow along with fitness trainer Tim McComsey as he demonstrates an different glute workout.

Begin by standing a few feet away from a straight bench, and place one leg on the bench like a Bulgarian split squat.

Grab a couple of dumbbells, and instead of performing a lunge, you’re going to perform a deadlift. For best results, use heavier weights with lower reps.

The key to this exercise is stability, so make sure you’re in a comfortable and stable position.

Have a great workout!

Check out more great work out and health information from Tim McComsey!


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