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Cacao Banana Chia Power Pudding

Charge up with cacao banana chia power pudding for the most important meal of your day!

Breakfast! It’s touted as our most important meal for numerous reasons including kick-starting metabolism after your overnight fast, enabling better brain power, and stabilizing blood sugars to avoid a mid-morning crash and the often accompanying binge! Some people, just plain and simple, find this to be the best meal of the day. If you’re not convinced, this recipe may change your mind. Besides being easy to make, and best prepped the evening before, which allows for an easier morning, this recipe is oh-so-yummy. It also promotes alkalinity and can be varied to your desire. You can change the fruits, sub in vanilla or orange for the chocolate and change the toppings. Because it’s so good, I suggest you make a few days’ worth as well for it will keep in the fridge three days or so.

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