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Do Your Vitamins Contain Probiotics and Digestive Enzymes?

What’s in your multivitamin? Do you find raw, whole-food superfoods? Organic minerals? Probiotics? Enzymes? Or does your multivitamin label read like a list of chemicals with synthetic names? If your vitamin isn’t all natural and stocked with probiotics and enzymes, then you aren’t absorbing what you think you are.

do_your_vitamins_contain_probiotics_and_digestive_enzymes_imageMost of the synthetic vitamins found in almost all multivitamins and individual vitamin supplements are not as easily absorbed as the natural forms found in whole foods. This is compounded by the difficult-to-digest chemicals, binders, and fillers that go into these hard, compacted tablets. Our bodies don’t recognize them as food or even as the compounds they are trying to mimic. On top of all this, we take these vitamin pills with foods that offer little nutrition, have no enzymes, and do not rebuild the natural flora and fauna of our intestines.

Look for vitamins from whole-food sources that include their own mix of probiotics and enzymes. Why? Because they amp up the absorbability of nutrients, improve digestion, and improve the immune system. It may seem counterintuitive to ingest bacteria as a way to prevent illness, but that’s only because bacteria doesn’t have the best public relations department. Bacteria has been intertwined with humanity since the beginning and comes in several varieties, from beyond dangerous to amazingly helpful.

Probiotics are the good ones. These little microbes break down foods we can’t digest, reduce gas, and make it hard for the bad microbes to get a foothold. This isn’t all they can do. Probiotics help get rid of diarrhea, yeast infections, and urinary tract infections. They have shown some promise in lessening the symptoms of irritable bowels or Crohn’s. They help lower cholesterol, reduce eczema in infants and children, and may prevent or reduce the severity of colds and flus. Probiotics aren’t a miracle cure, but, since they aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, they are worth exploring for their overall health effects.do_your_vitamins_contain_probiotics_and_digestive_enzymes_picEnzymes are just proteins with specific shapes designed to perform a function over and over again. They can build, tear down, or transport. Enzymes facilitate and speed up thousands of activities throughout the body. Many enzymes help with digestion by assisting in the process of tearing larger compounds down into smaller parts. These enzymes aid in the absorption of many nutrients and ease the digestive process. Unfortunately, most of our food today is overly processed or overcooked, which denatures and destroys the function of enzymes.

Enzymes in food and whole-food vitamins help reduce gas, bloating, indigestion, and acid reflux. They also improve energy levels, combat fatigue, reduce allergies, improve healing, reduce headaches, and ease constipation.

With both in your vitamins, your absorption of nutrients improves, less energy goes into digestion so it can be used elsewhere, your resistance to infection increases, and your digestive system gets a serious boost. Check the label of your vitamin today.

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